Prologue: Part 3

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I moved my head slightly, evading each punch that was thrown at my face. A kick is aimed at my head and I went into a crouch and moved my leg, swiping him off his feet.

He let out a cry as he hit the hard floor, head first. "Oww!" He complained, rubbing his head. I rolled my eyes and held out my hand.

"You're getting better. But you're still predictable. And you leave too many openings." He stuck out his bottom lip, eyes going big and watery.

I just gave him a flat look. "The puppy dog look? Really Matt?" He sighed, shaking his head and accepting my hand. I easily hauled him up onto his feet and he dusted off his pants. "Worth a shot. But you really think I'm getting better?" He asked excitedly, eyes lit up.

I placed a hand on my hip, raising an eyebrow. "I'd sure hope so. It's been five months." He sweat dropped and I got back into stance.

"Agh! We've been at this for hours! Can't we take a break?" Ugh. He whines so much. But he's still not quite used to this yet. I'm sweating, sure, but he's drenched.

"Alright. Twenty minutes String Bean." He pouted at my nickname for him, making me smirk. We sat down together against the wall of our shared cell. Every now and then a prisoner would share it with us, but they didn't last long.

But I've been teaching Matt as much as I can. And he is improving. But he's still more of a tech person then a fighter. I have to smack him sometimes when he goes into geek mode. Which happens more often then it should considering we're not allowed anywhere near computers.

I glanced at Matt from the corner of my eye. It's weird being close to someone again. Kind of. I still haven't told really told him much about me. Not even about Mari and Ray. But he talks. A lot.

It helps him cope.

"Hey, how do you think Shiro's doing?" He asked timidly. Shiro, huh? I haven't seen him since our last fight. But I've heard of him. Rumors. They refuse to put us in the ring together. They probably think we'd retaliate again.

That was my plan anyway. I can fight everyone else who wants to fight. Everyone here knows the rules by now. So they're okay with fighting.

Well, not okay, but they do what they have to do. And some even enjoy it. "From what you've told me, Shiro's a fighter. I'm sure he's surviving."

If he doesn't try to be a hero.

Matt hummed in response, staring at the ceiling. I glanced at him curiously, the corner of my lip twitching up. "You're hair looks a lot better now that it's growing out." He frowned at that.

I constantly took jabs at him for how his hair is styled, but it's growing out and he's not styling it weirdly anymore.

But I like it a lot more. Fits him better.

He looked over at me before quickly looking away. Hm? That was weird. Oh well. I shrugged it off and relaxed a bit.

Thing's have actually become . . . bearable. Just like it was a year ago when the others were here. But I couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of impending doom. He could die. And I don't want to deal with that.

That's why you shouldn't get close to anyone. My hands tightened against the fabric of my prison uniform.

Who knows how long he'll last. How long I'll last. As long as we're prisoners to that damn Zarkon. Why does he want the whole universe? Isn't his own planet enough?

Well, not like I'd still be on Earth. Maybe I would if the kiss asses didn't just sell me. "Why don't you grow out your hair? Don't girls usually prefer it?" Matt asked. Hm?

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