Prologue: Part 2

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The harsh sound of a thump made me sigh. I leaned more into the door and looked up at the dark ceiling. "I told you to keep your stance wide." I called back.

Matt groaned from his cell across from mine. "How am I supposed to keep it wide and do that kick?" He complained. I rolled my eyes at that.

He has no balance. I swear, it's like trying to teach a toddler how to run a ship. What a useless guy.

"If your stance is correct when you kick off and you kick correctly, you should land perfectly." I state.

Matt groaned loudly and I heard a small thunk. "I am in the correct stance." He defended himself.

I scoffed at his words. "If you were you wouldn't keep falling. Again." He groaned again but I heard him get back up.

Today we'll be fighting. At least I will. Against this ships champion. I've been trying to teach Matt some basic moves, but the kid kind of sucks. "Wha!" Another crash. I sighed loudly. I didn't expect him to get it right on the first try, but this is the second move I've taught him.

I at least expect him not to fall.

Giver take it's kind of hard to teach him when I can't really see him and the same goes for me.

Which is making this a little difficult. I heard whoosh of air and Matt's cry of joy. "I did it! Kira, I did it!" He shouted excitedly. The corner of my lip twitches but I pushed it down. "Congrats. You managed to kick." Sarcasm laced thickly into my words.

Matt huffed loudly at that, grumbling something under his breath. I was about to make a snarky comment when I heard footsteps.

Sentries, but also non organized ones. Guards. "Matt, stop." I said, Standing and stepping away from the door. "Huh? Why?"

"Just stop and go to the back of your cell!" I hissed. I could see his questioning eyes through the bars but he did as I said, just as they rounded the corner and stopped in front of my cell. "Today's the day girl. Let's see which of you will be champion." The familiar guard smirked as they unlocked my cell.

Three sentries and two guards. Well I feel special.

I didn't respond, which just seemed to irritate him. He hates it when I don't talk. When I don't respond to his taunting. He grabbed my arm roughly and yanked me out of my cell.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Matt moving closer to the door through the small opening of his cell and shook my head lightly. They don't take every prisoner for a fight.

It's too large of a ship. Not to mention Matt's still 'injured'. But he told me he's faking it now.

They continued to take me down the familiar halls towards the arena. My body buzzed in anticipation. My fingers twitched with the need of a weapon and my senses are on full alert, already preparing myself for the arena. For battle. I'm ready.

Just like I always am.

They led me to a small line of others, waiting to fight. With one last smug look my way, the damn guard left. I waited patiently. Thinking of plans.

My biggest chance is to hide my strengths until I strike. And when I strike, I'll strike fast. End it as soon as it starts. That'll be my chance of victory.

I glanced around, just to make sure they didn't end up bringing Matt. Luckily he's not here. Good. He may be able to survive and win with some of these prisoners, but after a while they turn into bloodthirsty monsters these people want them to be. I'm no different.

To win means survival. And of course favoritism. Afterall, we're more so entertainment. Entertainment or lab rats for druids. I grit my teeth tightly and grasped my left shoulder.

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