Chapter 2: Crystal Venom

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"So you all went to the Garrison together?" Shiro asked us with interest.

Hunk rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Yeah. Kira was in our first year class, but she got expelled for fighting. We haven't heard from her since." He admitted guiltily.

Even Lance winced. "What is it?" Shiro asked, catching onto it.

Lance cast a side glance at me before back at him. "Well, Hunk and I were being picked on by some newly graduated officers. Kira had tried to get them to stop, but they ended up hitting me. So she began to hit back. A full on fight broke out. But she won!" He grinned a bit at that.

Shiro smiled gently at me, which would have made me blush all those years ago.

Not so much now.

"You're a great friend." I snorted, crossing my arms as I stared down the idiot duo. "They were in my group and it was right before a test. Besides I don't tolerate bullying."

Shiro's smile saddened as he grabbed his right arm. It's a prosthetic.

I see.

The druids took an interest in him. "Yeah. I noticed that." He spoke softly. I pursed my lips and averted my eyes.

The rest of the group looked at us wearily. "So . . . you and Shiro were prisoners together once?" Hunk asked gently. My hands gripped my elbows tightly and my jaw clenched.

Memories of the gladiator arena sparked and it made me even more angry. The arena also brought memories of Mari and Ray. Matt. And the others.

"So did you know a prisoner named Matt?!" Pidge asked, getting closer to me. Desperation in his voice and eyes. "Yeah. I knew him." I admitted, staring at him weirdly.

Matt talked constantly. I was his only outlet. The only one who could listen to him and ground him.

"Do you know where he is?! Is he okay?!" He grabbed my arms tightly, immediately making me uncomfortable.

I don't like it when people touch me. I made an exception in the ship because we were escaping. "I don't know where he is. Last I saw of him was when a group of rebels broke him out. Let go." I answered, shrugging his arms off.

Pidge deflated a bit before perking up some more. "But that just means that he's safe as he can be from Zarkon. That's a good start."

Shiro nodded in agreement, some relief washed over his face.

As safe as he can be. Zarkon is a threat to everyone. But as long as he's not imprisoned he's got a fighting chance.

Shiro turned towards me, eyeing my state. "For now, you should get some rest. You've been through a lot."

I pursed my lips and crossed my arms, gripping my elbows. "A nap isn't going to do much for being imprisoned for three years. Give or take. Besides, I'm a little restless."

I had spoken light-heartedly, but it seemed to put them in a tense mood.

"Allura, do you think you could create a wormhole to Earth? We should send her home, where it's safe." Shiro suggested.

My head snapped upwards. Return home? "Uh-uh. No way. I'm not going anywhere just yet. I wanna join your fight."

Their eyes went wide at my proclamation. "You, you want to join us?" Keith was the one to ask, obviously bewildered.

I raised an eyebrow at them. "You have five giant metal cats that can destroy fleets of warships. Yeah, I wanna join."

Why is that such a surprise. There are two sides in this conflict. The Galra's and the Rebellions. And I sure as hell am not going to be joining the Galra.

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