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CW: none (if there are any, let us know)
Word Count: 252

CW: none (if there are any, let us know)Word Count: 252

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It was the eleventh day of the eleventh month when Eleanor Levine's mother died. Plagued by an unidentified illness, Eleanor's mother quickly lost her strength, only able to afford mediocre medicine. And it was on this day, the eleventh of the eleventh, that Eleanor would have to take over her mother's work in the royal castle in the kingdom of Birlap.

There was no funeral. No grieving period. Responsibilities were thrust upon her immediately. A debt was owed to the royal family, and with her mother's passing Eleanor would have to pay it.

Twenty-three years prior, a Madame Levine was left empty-handed when her husband died in a tragic fire, leaving her pregnant and to discover their savings had been thrown away to fuel a gambling addiction. With no family left to support her and the unborn child, the widowed Madame Levine fled to the king's court to ask for help.

Such help was granted: a roof over their heads, food in their bellies, and shoes on their feet. The baby would even be permitted to attend classes with the prince, who had been born but a year before her.

All of this, but for the price of lifelong servitude. Forty years working for the Queen and her council. Stripped of her title as a Madame, and if she passed then any unpaid debt would be fulfilled by the unborn child.

And so it was. Childhood friends turned masters ordered Eleanor around as though they never knew her any better.

The Birlap Prince (COMPLETE and IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now