Chapter One

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CW: no warnings (if there are any comment what it is)
Word Count: 534

CW: no warnings (if there are any comment what it is)Word Count: 534

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Written by: nowejose
Proofread and Edited by: bestyrshemmo


HE'D NEVER CARED FOR the luxuries that the rest of his family enjoyed

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HE'D NEVER CARED FOR the luxuries that the rest of his family enjoyed. Lavish food and drink from other lands—brought as gifts or specifically requested by the Queen—had never piqued interest in the young Prince Arnold. Nor did anything else of monetary value, really.

Prince Arnold was quite different from the rest of his family and the royal court. He cared not for his princely life, preferring to be in the company of close friends rather than the royal guests. But he understood his duties and took them quite seriously. Always moody was he, a pout constantly tugging at his lips.

Until he was served his apple juice.

Balancing the gold tray on one hand, I knock on the door to Prince Arnold's quarters. "Your highness? I have your breakfast."

It wasn't always served on a platter and brought to his bedside, however the Queen had early business to attend to so today's breakfast would be a private one.

He calls through the door immediately. "Come in." Cracking the large doors, I peak in before entering. "What have I told you about knocking, Ellie? There's no need." He looks at me sideways from where he is lacing his boots.

I scurry past where he finishes dressing, set the tray on his small, personal dining table. Also gold. Ornately decorated, with matching chairs that have fluffy pillow resting atop the seats. A lovely little place by his window.

"Yes, I know, your highness. But I wanted to make sure you were... decent before entering unannounced. And I wasn't sure if you had company." The curtains are still drawn and I reach to open them, hoping to hide the blush that spread across my face at the thought of walking in on the prince.

A large hand rests on my waist and the other pulls the curtain rope cord from my hands. The curtain cords are high and it's a struggle to reach them. I let my arms fall to my sides as Prince Arnold draws them open for me.

Hot breath fans my neck and he speaks into my ear. "And what have I told you about being so formal?" He takes a seat, prepared to enjoy his breakfast, and motions for me to sit across from him.

"My apologies, Prince Arnold. It feels disrespectful to call you anything else." I keep my head bowed, still embarrassed from all the intimacy.

His hand reaches towards my face and the cold metal of his rings sting my skin. Gripping my chin, he forces me to look him in the eye. "Arny. Just Arny. I've known you my whole life, Ellie. You don't have to use titles." Deep brown eyes gaze into mine, begging. "Please don't use titles."

Unable to pull my stare from him or form any words, all I can do is nod.

Arny cocks a grin and chuckles, brushing loose strands of wavy hair from my face before reaching for his glass. He does it on purpose. He knows he makes me nervous. I sit uncomfortably, awaiting direction.

"Apple juice? You know me too well. Thank you. So what's the schedule for today?"



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