Author's Note

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So little things to keep in mind while reading this:

• This is a royal au and takes place before phones but is modernized a teensy bit with some meme references and phrases.

• You have to picture Arny without tattoos or piercings. I know it's difficult, trust me I know!

• You also have to picture Danny without tattoos. Once again, difficult. I know.

- I also would like to thank my cowriter (main writer really) for being one of my best friends and putting up with the fact I couldn't write the smut due to my writers block with smut.

She wrote literally all of this and I just proofread, edited, and helped with the plot and what Lilianna and Eleanor should look like. I also made the graphic things.

Anyway, if you enjoy this story, please feel free to comment and vote!

- Colie


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