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CW: no warnings (if there are any comment what it is)
Word Count: 163
Character Count (no spaces): 727

CW: no warnings (if there are any comment what it is)Word Count: 163Character Count (no spaces): 727

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Written By: nowejose
Proofread By: besyrshemmo


THE WEDDING WAS BEAUTIFUL. Not nearly as big as the wedding for Arny and Princess Lilianna had been, but where it lacked in size, it plenty made up for in quality.

Ellie's dress looked as though she was dressed in clouds and starlight. The white dress, white hair, and fair skin made her look like an angel.

Arny wore the same clothes as he had at the wedding with Princess Lilianna. Only this time he wore a smile as well.

Less than a year afterwards, King Arnold and Queen Eleanor announced their pregnancy. A baby girl was expected by the end of the Summer.

Duke Daniel decided to travel through the neighboring kingdoms until it was time for him to take on his duties as Uncle Danny.

And Peter's baronhood within Birlap made way for a strong alliance to be built with Wheat. One that would open the gates for other mercenaries to gain status in the kingdoms and ensure a lasting unity.



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