The Butterfly Demon

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She could taste it in the air. Their desires, not of flesh nor pleasure but of beauty.
The demons await behind the pitch black stage were some of hell's greatest beauties and their audience were critiques, greater icons that strived to be hell's most gorgeous.

A beat filled the room, its rhythm quick and upbeat. The stage didn't belong to a singer or any of hells other performers. It was a fashion show.

With a hiss fog filled the room, desperate demons fought for a glimpse of designs that could make them hells most desirable. Then they walked out, models. Cameras flashes, critiques muttered among themselves as an internal bidding war began amongst the famous for the one of a kind garments.

Each model wore a straight expression, they were hells most beautiful, the top beauties but it had cost them everything. As they had been caught in a web and it was a butterfly that had consumed them.

Butterflies filtered in the room. The aspiring models in the room were desperate for a single on to pay attention to them, to make them apart of hells elite beauties.

The converged on the stage, swarming together and appearing amongst the red wings hoards the butterfly demon appeared. She wore a magnificent grin. The cameras began to flash, the butterfly demon was on a whole new level of gorgeous.

She radiated a mythical allure that drew all the demons in the room to her, the smart ones resisted the temptation.  Her hair was a scarlet red, and draped like silk down to her hips, black antennas grew from her head like horns. Her dress was a simple black and form fitting but what hypnotic about her appearance was her blood red, butterfly wings. She folded her wings around her body, they became her skirt, captivating all eyes in the room.

No one expected a demon to be a butterfly as they were considered pure creatures but many forgot that some butterflies drink blood.

Spotlights were focused on her as she took a deep bow. She was what every demon strived to be, she could sense their gazes of awe, jealousy, lust and ambition. The crowd clapped, applauding fabric that had been spun into objects of desire.

She noticed a single light in the crowd, her gaze still remained unwavering with a slight grin, the only bastard that would have the guts to have a light on in her show would be the video demon.

Vox smirked as he noticed her gaze land on him. She took a final bow and disappeared into a dance of majestic scarlet butterflies and as soon as she was gone the lights had returned, the fashion show was over.

As the guests filed out Vox remained in his seat, a grin still set on his face until a butterfly fluttered into his view. He followed it back stage.

He was lead to a grand mahogany door and pushed it open. The room was dark, aside from the single lamp on the coffee table beside the butterfly demon. She was draped across a red chaise and sipped at her tea.

Vox tried to keep his jaw from dropping. She was everything he wanted from a woman, beautiful and powerful... yes he could make use of her power. A seat across from her materialised and he sat down.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit Vox?" She said unamused.

"(Y/n), precious, we're past these formalities aren't we, can't I pay a visit to a friend," he grinned, trying to swindle her in anyway possible.

"Really? Is that what you think, I think all those screens have rotted your brain because we are not friends," she smirked. She enjoyed watching the video demons frustration. She was not stupid, she owned several chains of stores from clothing lines to cosmetics, if there was anything to enhance beauty she had a hand in it. He didn't want her friendship, he wanted her influence.

Caught in the Butterfly's Web (Hazbin Hotel x (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now