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Kawaii-Chan's POV:

"I want to speak to the man who showed up this instantly" I said as I walked out of my bedroom, Eyrx chased after me shaking his head showing clear signs of hesitation.

"Your majesty you are still healing. Is it smart to do so?" Eyrx asked, I nodded my head and glanced over at him as I walked around the corner and headed down the stairs.

"I need to speak to him before I speak to Micka. Bring him to the throne room now" I demanded, Eyrx nodded his head and turned around walking towards the room the man was being held in.

It had been a week since King Damien's death and while I've been recovering, I'm still not all the way there yet so I've been resting a lot but I can go for longer walks without pain now.

Pushing the doors open, I walked across the room towards the chair when I heard a noise behind me, stopping I turned around to see Zane standing there.

"Why do you always try to sneak up on me?" I asked, he walked towards me with his hands placed behind his back.

"Speaking to Theo I see?" I wonder how he could remember the names when I couldn't, I nodded my head and turned around walking towards the throne chairs.

"I am. He had to be part of the reason why Micka did what she did" I responded and sat down slowly, Zane nodded his head and stopped next to me when the doors opened.

I looked ahead to see a man walking next to Eyrx, he looked nervous as his eyes darted around the room going straight to Zane and then landing on me.

Theo stopped in front of me, I looked to Eyrx who hesitated for a second before nodding his head and walking out of the room, I knew he'd linger outside but as long as he isn't in here.

"She spoke about you" He whispered, I stared at him knowing that Zane was still standing next to me watching him, I don't know why I didn't ask him to leave but I didn't.

"You're her husband. And you are also the reason that she turned against Tu'la" I said, his eyes widened as he quickly hid his hand behind his back as if I hadn't already seen the ring on his finger.

"I didn't know she was going to do that your majesty. Magi had been our home since we ran off together" I stood up and he stepped back.

"You mean since my sister abandoned us?" He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Your majesty I did no-"

"Do not lie to me Theo. Why did my sister turn her back on Tu'la for King Damien? I know you know the answer to it and I know you know I will not let up until you tell me" I said and took a step closer, he took a step back.

"She told me how you never give up on something if you want to know the answer to it. Micka was right ab-"

"I am not interested in hearing about my sister who betrayed me for you!" I shouted but heard the door open, I looked over to see Micka running towards us.

Theo and Micka embraced each other with smiles and tears of relief, I looked away and felt a tear slide down my face from the anger and betrayal but also from the sadness.

I listened to them talk for a moment before I heard Micka suck in a breath and finally looked back over, she was staring at me or more specifically my hand pressed against my stomach.

She looked up at me and stepped towards me, I stepped back and Zane stepped in front of me, Theo stepped in front of Micka and the two men got into a staring contest for a moment before Theo backed down first.

I glanced up at Zane and he looked down at me before stepping back to my side and I focused my attention on Micka once again, she looked almost sorry for what she did.

Zane⁓Chan: The Princess And The ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now