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A few weeks passed quickly and Sadie had started physical therapy for her knee 3 times a week. Luckily there was an indoor play place next door so while Sadie did her therapy, Kaycee could take Adeline to the play area and keep her occupied.

Sadie was not having a great time at therapy since her knee hadn't been moved too much besides her little walks, which was more limping. She was ready to go home.

When her therapy appointment ended, Kaycee met her outside with Adeline. Kaycee could immediately tell that she was in pain and that her therapy appointment didn't go well.

"We'll talk in the car," she nodded, thankful that they were in a close spot because of Sadie's knee.

Sadie just nodded and got in while Kaycee got Adeline into her car seat in the back.

"How'd it go?" Kaycee asked as she got in the driver's seat.

"It hurt," she sighed, wiping her eyes as a few tears fell.

"I'm sorry honey,"

"It's not your fault," she shook her head, "I just didn't expect it to hurt like that,"

"I know honey. It's gonna hurt though. You have to build up the strength again," she said as she started to drive home.

"I know. It just sucks,"

"Sorry sweetie,"

"Can I go back to my bedroom now?" She asked, wanting to have a door and some privacy now that her knee was getting better.

"I'll talk to your dad. He'll probably have to have Ryan help him out," she said as she looked over at the teen.

"Okay," she nodded, staying quiet the rest of the way home.

Once they got home, Sadie limped into the house, ignoring everything as she went to her curtained-off room.

"What was that?" Chase asked, looking at Kaycee as she carried Adeline through the door.

"Physical therapy did not go well. She didn't expect all the pain," she sighed, setting Adeline in her little exersaucer.

"What happened?"

"She came out of there in tears. She said it hurt so bad but I tried to tell her that it was going to be painful and she needed to build up strength,"

"I'll go talk to her,"

Kaycee nodded, going to the kitchen to start making dinner for the family.

"Sadie?" Chase asked, sticking his hand through the curtain to make sure he could come in.

"What?" She asked, laying on her bed as she scrolled through her phone.

"Mom told me it didn't go so well," he said as he sat on the bed by her.

"Not really," she sighed, sitting up and setting her phone down next to her.

"It's gonna hurt kiddo," He told her, laying it all out there for Sadie. "It's unfortunate, but it's gonna hurt. You have to basically rebuild your knee muscle since it hasn't been used as much. It's just going to take time Sadie,"

"I just wish it didn't hurt as bad,"

"I know. But it's a part of healing,"

"Why?" She whined, but she was just being more dramatic than anything.

"I don't know kid. It's just how the healing goes. And when your physical therapist says it's okay, you and I or you and mom can start going on walks around the neighborhood or we can walk to the park and take Addie. Wherever you want to go," Chase offered, noticing the little smile that crossed Sadie's face.

"Thanks, Dad," she nodded, hugging him tightly. "Love you,"

"Love you too kiddo. Now what should we have for dinner? Mom was thinking pizza?"

"Sounds good," she nodded, "But only if there's ice cream after,"

"I think we can make that happen," he nodded, "come on,"

"Can I move back up to my room?" She asked, looking at him as she got off her bed.

"I'll call Ryan tomorrow and see if he can help me get all your stuff back upstairs. As long as you think you can handle going up and down the steps,"

"I think so. Maybe we should wait until I do some stairs at physical therapy,"

"That might be a good idea. We'll talk to her next time we go since I'm taking you this week,"

"Thanks, Dad," she smiled, slowly walking out to the living room.

"Pizza?" Kaycee asked, getting a nod from both Chase and Sadie.

Kaycee smiled and ordered it before sitting in the living room with her family.

The pizza arrived a little later and they all sat on the floor around the coffee table, put on a movie, and ate the pizza, feeding Adeline small pieces that she wouldn't choke.

"So we're going to physical therapy tomorrow. What are some things you want to work on so we know what to talk to her about?" Kaycee asked, looking between Chase and Sadie.

"Stairs," both Sadie and Chase said at the same time.

"Alright, stairs it is,"

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