Chapter 13: A Sisterly Moment, a Wedding, a Hard Talk, and Going to Kingsport

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A few weeks had gone by. It was the night before Anne's and Fred's wedding. Anne and I were in her room having a bit of fun together just like when we were younger. We were listening to a song on record that will be sung at my twin's wedding. I was singing along with the song and acting silly to amuse Anne to help her get rid of any last minute wedding jitters.

"Oh, promise me that someday you and I will take our love together to some skies when we...Shall we alone and faith renew," I sang in a silly way with the song leaving Anne in a fit of giggles.
"If the minister's wife attempts to do this piece, I'll faint! I can't allow it," Anne said while giggling.
"Can't you just see the buttons
popping off her corset," I joked.
"Oh! Stop it! I'm going to be
sick," Anne laughed.

I then put Anne's lace veil over my head before speaking up.

"Now, now. This is you. Nervously sweeping up the aisle on Mr. Barry's arm. Your auburn curls frosted over the film of your delicate lace veil. The perfect bride. You look into Fred's red face and you whisper 'I do'," I said dramatically.
"Oh! Don't be mean," Anne said with a giggle.
"Just promise me one thing! If he faints, make sure you catch him," I joked before Anne and I plopped down onto her bed.

Unfortunately, it was quite loud and Marilla and Mrs. Lynde heard it.

"Anne? Abby? Anne and Abby Shirley, what in heaven's name is going on up there," Marilla shouted from the parlor.
"Nothing, Marilla! We're just rehearsing the wedding march," my twin shouted back.
"Well, for pity's sake, girls, don't march through the ceiling," she shouted.
"Sorry, Marilla," Anne and I shouted back in unison.

Anne and I shared a laugh for about thirty seconds. Then, Anne spoke up.

"Oh, I'm so nervous, Abby! I don't know how I'm going to get through this tomorrow," Anne said anxiously.
"You'll be alright. I am sure of it. Everyone survives the ceremony. It's afterwards...," I said before being cut off by my sister.
"Abigail Shirley! What a naughty thing to say! Oh, you're so smug. Wait 'til your and Gilbert's turn comes, my dear sister," Anne said.
"No, I have definitely decided on a career over marriage at the moment. I think I'd like to be a nun. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be the bride of heaven? But then, I'm not Catholic, and I hardly qualify for that sort of career," I said.
"Well, what about a nurse? It's a romantic profession. Smoothing fevered brows, and some handsome millionaire patient falling madly in love with you and carrying you off to the Mediterranean," Anne trailed off.

I then sighed before speaking up.

"I can't give it up for the prozaic reality of Gilbert...he proposed, you know. And I refused," I said glumly.
"You what," Anne exclaimed.
"Yes," I stated truthfully.
"Abby, are you out of your mind," my sister asked.
"Don't scold me, Anne! Can't you
understand," I asked sincerely.
"Abby, I can't believe it! I thought all this going on about your ideals was a cover up because he hadn't asked you yet! You actually said no! After almost six years of courting, this is scandalous," she remarked.
"You take that back, Anne Shirley! Gil and I have decided to focus on our careers now that he has been accepted into medical school," I told her.
"I know that Diana even steered clear of Gilbert because of you. How could you, Abby," my twin asked.
"I know. I truly love him, yet I'm sure he despises me now for this. You despise me, and I despise myself! I feel so humiliated over this whole stupid thing," I said as tears began to well up in my eyes.
"My poor, dear sister. I will never despise you. I have no right to scold you. Things are so mixed up in real life, Abby. They're never as clear as they are in romantic novels," Anne said.
"I just wish things would go back to the way they used to...before Gilbert proposed...before you met and fell for Fred...I just don't want to lose my sister," I said.
"Think of me marrying Fred as gaining a brother. You'll never lose me, Abby. I shall always be your sister 'til the day I perish from this earth. Even though I'll be married after tomorrow, I'll always make time for you. I can assure you that," Anne said before kissing my cheek.

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