Chapter 23

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We sat in silence after that for what felt like forever, just staring at each other. No one saying a word.

In a strange way, it was nice getting that off my chest, not having to walk around with that hanging over my head anymore. I knew it was foolish of me to feel like that when I knew Dante had run a background check on me before marrying me. But I also felt that it coming from me and not a piece of paper, meant a lot more.

It showed trust.

"I hope you know that I will never let that happen to you again. This is your home now. " Dante spoke up, his voice breaking through my thoughts.

"Thank you. I really like it here." I admitted as he reached his hand out to mine.

"I like having you here too."

In the midst of emotional turbulence or perhaps caught up in the heat of the moment, I unexpectedly leaned across the table, pressing a kiss to his lips. It wasn't until that impulsive act unfolded that I recoiled as if his lips held a scorching flame, a sudden awareness washing over me.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed worried, touching my lips as I watched him display a cheeky grin saying;

"I wasn't complaining."

I watched as he pushed his chair out, and ran his hands through his hair. "I just have a few calls to make for work and then I'll be back to spending our day with you," Dante said as he walked to his office.

Uncertain whether my kiss had offended him or brought enjoyment, his grin added a layer of confusion, sparking a cascade of new thoughts within me. In the aftermath of his departure, the familiar contours of his absence left me pensive. As I reflected on the shared childhood trauma between us, the unspoken tension, and the unexpected kiss, a sense of both longing and trepidation settled in. The ball now rested in our shared court, and I couldn't help but wonder how this unexpected turn of events would shape the dynamics of our existing connection.

An hour passed without any sign of his return, leaving me in a state of restless anticipation. The weight of unspoken words hung in the air, and I questioned whether he, too, was grappling with the aftermath of our impulsive moment. As I navigated the uncertainty, a mix of hope and anxiety fueled my every thought, wondering if he would eventually reappear to address the lingering tension between us. I eventually decided to take fate into my own hands as I marched down the hall.

Taking a deep breath, I approached his office door, the rhythmic beating of my heart betraying the calm I tried to maintain. With a hesitant knock, I waited, unsure of what to expect. The door creaked open, revealing his surprised expression. The air thickened with unspoken words as we locked eyes, each silently acknowledging the uncharted territory that lay ahead.

"I'm sorry I took so long, there was more work than I expected." He answered my unasked question as if reading my mind.

"I've been replaying that moment in my mind," I confessed, my voice betraying a mix of vulnerability and curiosity. "I need to know where we stand after that kiss. It's been lingering in the air, unspoken. Can we talk about it?"

I watched as he shifted on his feet uncomfortably, not knowing what to say. The pause between his thoughts and words made the tension a million times worse.

His gaze held a mixture of surprise and contemplation before he nodded, inviting me into his office. "I've been wrestling with it too," he admitted. "Maybe it's time we address what happened and figure out where we go from here." The air between us shifted, laden with the promise of a conversation that could unravel the complexities of our shared moment.I held my breath as I sat down on the couch next to him, waiting in anticipation for his answer. I needed to know if we had a chance or if it was all in my head.

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