Chapter 35

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"It's a social enterprise that focuses on sustainability. Basically, we manage, produce and sell eco-friendly products, promote fair trade practices and then invest in community development. " Dante answered sounding like he had practiced that answer for years.

"I know what you're thinking. How can that make money? Or be successful? But I can assure you that, by balancing profit with a commitment to an environmental responsibility, makes the business quite lucrative while also making a meaningful contribution to society." He added making every word sound foreign to me. "Google it." He teased making a small smile tug at the corner of my lips.

After that, he spent about 2 hours explaining the business's in's and out's to me. I'd be lying if I said I understood everything he had taught me, but I knew by the morning I would probably only remember 60% of what he had said. But it was interesting and I enjoyed learning more about the things that my father devoted his life to.

The only thing that I hated, was that everything else was back to 'normal'. Back to all of the rules -excluding rule number 2 - back to living seperate lives, and back to wondering where I stood with Dante.

It was like he could only manage one emotion at a time. And for the last 2 days since we've been back, that emotion was focused.

Work-focused to be precise.

"You're doing really well, catching on fast." Dante complemented while I returned it with a smile going back to eating my dinner.

It was strange how we went from nothing, to possibly something, to only being business partners. I sometimes felt like he only saw me as such. Like those moments we shared in Spain were just that. Moments shared in Spain...

"May I be excused?" I asked, pushing my chair out. "We have an early start tommorow morning."

"Uhm, sure. I'll walk you up." Dante offered putting his wine down.

"Thank you, but I'll be fine."

Changing into my pajamas and getting in bed, a knock sounded from the door as I replied "come in." Seeing Dante appear in my doorway, almost giving me deja vu.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked, barely above a whisper as I watched his face show different kinds of worry and remorse.

"No, why would you think that?" I asked, trying to avoid his question.

"I don't know. I just feel like ever since we got back from Spain and started working together that, things are...different."

I tried to suppress my scoff at him noticing the difference between us.

"You must be imagining things." I stated turning my attention to fluffing my pillow.

"Am I though?" He asked walking closer so I could see him in the dim light that my bedside lamp casted.

"Yes. Now goodnight Dante."

I tried so hard to avoid the conversation, to avoid the feelings that I felt for him. I was tired. Tired of having feelings for him only for him to not reciprocate it. Tired of him leading me on and then acting like nothing happend 24 hours later.

I was tired of his games.

"Sophia, look at me." He asked, gentleness underlying his tone as he spoke as my gaze slowly met his.

"I don't know what you want me to say Dante. " I answered watching his eyes fill with sorrow. "Alot has changed these last couple of weeks, you know that. Everything with my father changed so much of my life. But us...we're all good. Nothing's changed, no rules have been broken. You don't have to worry about that."

I turned on my side in attempt to further avoid this conversation , pain filling my heart as it took every ounce of strength to keep tears from rolling down my cheek. He had hurt me so much. Not in the way that most people thought, but it was another type of pain having your heart toyed with every single day.

"Sophia, I -"

"Do you know what this feels like Dante ?" I asked, sitting up and facing him again. "To like you ? To...want to hold your hand and be close to you ? And not getting even the slicest bit of affection in return ? We've been so called 'married' for almost 7 months now. And the most affection and care you've shown to me was 2 days ago when we were in Spain. Do you know what that feels like ?"

He didn't answer.

"Well let me tell you, it makes me feel undesirable. Not to mention unattractive. Why would you lead me on like that !? It hurts. It fricken hurts Dante, don't you see that !? "

I watched as his eyes darted between mine, seeing the pain well up in my eyes. He did this.

This was all his fault.

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