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Hello. My name is Melody. I wasn't always the mentally unstable and powerful badass I am today. I was once just a little kid with a crazy godmother and a protective brother figure. Let me take you guys back to the beginning. In fact, let's take it back to where I wouldn't exist for another 19 years!

October 31, 1981. My grandmother, Antonia, was 5 months pregnant with my mom. She was getting some shopping done in a Mercado when, in an instant, her contractions started. She had grown another 4 months in an instant. After five hours of labor, my mother was born. When she sneezed soon after, a plant half a meter away caught fire! Surprise! My mother was one of the 43 children suddenly born on that day. An hour later, billionaire Reginald Hargreeves entered the room and said he wanted to adopt my mother. Grandma didn't want to send her off somewhere, and audibly said so, but the cunt didn't handle hearing the word no all to well. He kidnapped my mom and paid off a nurse to fake that she'd died.

My mom spent the first 10 years of her life in his "care". It wasn't really all that caring though. He trained her and 6 of the other 7 kids he adopted. When my mom was 4, her more siren-esque powers awakened. The ass-clown hid her in the basement in hopes that he could hide her abilities, as they would give away her heritage. She spent 6 years in that basement, and when she was 10, she escaped and used her refined abilities to track her mother down. She spent the next the next 8 years learning more about her culture and how to use her weird abilities to her advantage. She also met and befriended May Castellan while in high school. She met and fell in love with my father, Hades. Then, halfway through December of 1999, she found out she was pregnant with me.

I was born on August 4th, 2000. I was definitely a smart and easy baby to take care of. My godmother, May, already had a 7.5 year old son, Luke. When I was old enough, he became a brother figure to me. When I got teased by kids my age or yelled at by old Christian ladies for being a redhead, he always stood up for me. After I spoke my first words, though, I went nonverbal. The first sign of my Autism. Luke taught me sign language so I could communicate, since he also had Autism and was nonverbal for a bit. I got properly diagnosed with my learning disabilities when I was 3, and shortly after Luke's 11th birthday, he ran away. He stopped by to say goodbye, and I broke my silent streak to tell him goodbye. It's been 18 years since that day.

We moved to Brooklyn after my 4th birthday. That was a fatal mistake. My mom registered me in the clave's database, since my siren side awakened on my birthday, but when we moved, they didn't transfer my file to the New York base. When I was nine, I used the $60 I'd saved up to pay for help on discovering my sexuality. I used a pay system with 3 beings of the genders I knew existed at the time. A kiss for $20, and that led to me finding out that I'm bisexual with a guy preference. A year later, on my birthday, I became an orphan in the government's eyes. Three men from the New York branch of the Clave showed up as I was walking home from my 3rd day of 5th grade, and when I got home, one of them pinned my arms behind my back as they brought my mother out of our apartment. They decapitated her as she told me to run, and my mental state broke. I used a blessing my dad taught me to ensure that she'd make it to Elysium, and ran away. Then, I shadow-traveled to the Underworld and told Hades everything. He comforted me as I cried. I lived and trained in the Underworld for nearly 7 years.

Shortly after the Second Giant War, Hades sent me into Tartarus to make sure that the Doors of Death were closed. As soon as I landed, titans surrounded me. They chained me up and analy raped me for hours, until I escaped. When I landed back in my room, I broke down. All of the deities there at the time comforted me as best they knew how, and my father took me up to Olympus to get healed by Apollo. Apollo also gave me an STD test, and luckily, that was negative. After my 17th, I ran away from the underworld and ended up shadow-traveling to Japan, where I stayed till my 18th.

I ended up enrolling in UA High School for Superheroes. I got my first 4 tattoos to celebrate the fact that I placed first in the entrance exam and got put in Class 1A, where I met my ex-boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugo. At first, I disliked him a LOT, but after he nearly got kidnapped, I grew to at least care about him. But he didn't give me time to learn how to love him, since he started showing his toxic traits really soon after we got together. He was extremely controlling, manipulative, and possessive. The relationship ended when, on my 18th, I caught him having sex with his side piece, who was someone I thought I could trust. I quickly packed up and left, shadow-traveling to Mystic Falls, Virginia, where I got a hotel room and decided to get wasted.

That was the biggest mistake of my existence. Klaus Mikaelson showed up and let me rant a bit before biting into my neck and draining a little of my blood. I ran off, but he caught up to me and fed me some of his blood, which healed my wounds, but EW! I locked myself in the bedroom part of the room and tried to puke up the blood. I wasn't able to, though, and Klaus broke into the room and snapped my neck. I'd triggered a shadow to take me away from there and it worked, and I woke up in a random mansion. I quickly went to find something to sate the thirst that had showed up, and only human blood was able to. I sped a random girl into a room, locked the door, told her exactly what I needed to do, hypnotized her and made her arm go numb, and bit down. After drinking a little bit of her blood, I healed her wound and de-numbed her arm before unlocking the door and shadow-traveled back to the hotel room. Nemesis showed up then and told me that I just needed to magic up any piece of jewelry and I'd be able to walk in the sun. I spelled a jade bracelet and now I can walk in the sun. I got 3 new tattoos as a prize for surviving and came to camp. I've been here the last 3 years.

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