06: Romance, Ladon-Based 'Tea', and Reveals

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Melody POV:

Once in California, and we're all out of the bus, we head into a Brenda's to eat. I end up ordering the Fried Catfish, which I'm happy about as the Catfish is an invasive species, and we all dig in. Once out, I say, "Let's head to Camp Jupiter to get some shut-eye. I also need to tell Reyna about the impending war." Luke turns to me and asks, "Who's Reyna?" I answer, "Reyna is the Daughter of Bellona. She's a Roman Demigod, a former Praetor, and a huntress of Artemis. She also is Thalia's girlfriend." Likely satisfied by the answer, Luke turned away and continued walking. In the wrong direction. I shout, "Wrong Way!" He turns back my way and follows Dick and I.

Just outside Camp Jupiter, before the boys walk in and end up getting telekineticly slapped, I stop them and say, "We need to leave our weapons out here. Terminus, the Roman God of Boundaries, doesn't like it when Greek Guests bring weapons on the campgrounds." They all drop their weapons behind the same tree I did, including Luke dropping a dagger I didn't know he had. As we enter, I whisper/ask, "Why did you have a dagger?" He answers, "Dick gave me it as a last resort when you went into Trauma Shock in the Washington Starbucks." I shudder and mumble, "Not my best moment. Thought my therapy sessions helped." When I see Reyna strolling along with Thalia, I quickly speed up and say, "RARA, I've got good news and bad news; which do you wanna hear first?" Reyna responds, "Bad, so the good can cushion the blow." I quickly start the catch-up: "So, Bad News: There's likely gonna be a new war, there's a new prophecy, and the traitor is a claimed Child of Athena at CHB, so don't trust Annabeth. Good News: Percy finally gets a break from being the main character, as the prophecy is about me, so we're guaranteed another win." Thalia speaks up and asks, "1: Is that Luke? 2: Who's the other guy?" I answer, "Yes, It's Luke. He has been getting his memories back pretty quickly, as he was brought resurrected less than a week ago. As for the new guy, his name is Richard Grayson, though his nickname is Dick. He's a dual legacy and he hasn't been claimed yet." I walk back up to the boys and we split off to our respective cabins, Luke and Dick in Mercury's and Pluto for me, to 'sleep'.

I ended up having a mental breakdown about figuring out that that I actually am ready to date again. I was also envying all the other healthy relationships in my life, and I decided to sneak out and cuddle with Luke. A definitely happy surprise for me happened: Luke was behind the door when I opened it. I could pretty easily tell that my rational side was not involved at all with the next thing that happened, as Luke and I both leaned into each other and made out. My brain was happy buzzing and we ended up cuddling the rest of the night. For the first time in YEARS, I slept through the night.

The next morning, I start getting a bit anxious as we're standing outside the Garden of Hesperides. I just bottle it up and head in, with Luke and Dick flanking me. As soon as I enter, my trophy mark starts burning. I tense as Ladon comes into view, and Luke visibly does too. Dick suddenly says, "Uh, Mel. Something on your arm is glowing." Luke stares at me and I quickly explain; "Shortly after my 16 and before the second titan war, My dad sent me here to do a final test of strength: Tame Ladon. I succeeded, and the dragon gave me this mark and, whenever I need to call on his power, I do so and a head on the marking disappears." They seem to accept that answer and we head up the mountain.

At the top, which we just reached, I decide to turn on my hidden audio recorder, as Gwenclaya told me I'd need it later. I see Atlas beneath the sky, but luckily, he hasn't noticed us yet. Suddenly, I hear a noise I never wanted to hear again. I turn around, and Luke has the point of a dagger sticking out of him, just above his liver. He collapses, and I vamp-speed over so he lands in my lap. I then hear a female voice say, "You stupid bitch! I know you ate the bars, and I know that you aren't really as strong as you say!" I look up and Annabeth is there, smirking like she just won. But as my anger boils over, her smirk starts to fall. I'm about to kill this traitorous whore!

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