11: The Supernatural World is Weird

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Lydia POV:

In the middle of Spanish Class, my ears start ringing and I start feeling extremely weak. I raise my hand and ask, "Can I use the bathroom?" The teacher says yes and I run off to the bathroom, where I end up collapsing. The buzzing and noise is way louder than my banshee senses, and I know something's wrong. I push myself up so that I'm leaning against the wall and pull out my phone. I pull up Melody's number and text, Something's wrong. Help pls! After sending, I put my hands over my ears and try to stop the noise.

Melody POV:

In the middle of lunch, my V-phone goes off and I check the messages. Lydia texted me, and her text tells me that she just awakened her siren abilities. I say, "It happened. Lydia needs my help. Aunt Cass, bring water and stay nearby. Luke, love, be here and be ready to help if anything happens." They nod, and once Aunt Cass has a water bottle, we head into my car and drive off. In the parking lot, the two of us quickly rush into the front office. The clerk asks, "Who are you here for and why?" I quickly answer, "Lydia Martin. I'm her cousin and she needs my help." I then rush out the door, searching for her soul aura, and when I find it in a girl's bathroom, I lightly knock on the door. When I hear a soft and strained, Come In, I quickly yet silently head in.

As I enter, I see Lydia curled up against the back wall. She sees me, and the look in her eyes is that of pain, confusion, and exhaustion. I quietly walk up to her and pull her into a hug, whispering, "Focus on my heartbeat. It'll help get rid of the panic." She relaxes into my hug, and when she's visibly calmer, she peeks out of my embrace and asks, "What happened and why?" I look down at her and answer, "Something that also happened to your mom, my mom, and I. It's best if I don't explain it here as I could smell the werewolves here from back at the house, and I can easily see that your exhausted. Do you need help with the sensory issues?" She nods so I explain, "Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let the background noise become just that: Background Noise; as you focus on the outside world and your own inner voice." She does that, I stand up, and when I noticed that she hadn't yet, I ask, "Do you have enough energy to stand?" As she shook her head, I picked her up bridal style and carried her out to the car. I give her the water bottle and ask, "Do you want the explanation to be written or verbal?" She holds up a shaky single finger and I nod.

Back at the house, Luke opens doors for me as I carry her to her room. Once she's back in her bed and the door's shut, Luke asks, "Is she okay?" I answer, "Yeah. She's just really exhausted. Let's give her a little space to rest." An hour later, after Luke and I got done doing 'adult stuff',  we got dressed and, suddenly, an ear-splitting scream came from Lydia's room.

Lydia POV:

As I jolted awake from a nightmare, I let out a Banshee Scream, and once realized I had, I closed my mouth and got out of bed. I walked downstairs and, when I saw how overwhelmed Melody looked and how (who I'm guessing is) Luke was glaring at me, I quickly say, "I'm so sorry if I hurt you all. I didn't mean to." Melody rights herself, walks over to me, and says, "You did nothing wrong. I just wasn't ready for that scream. Do you still want the explanation written down, or do you want it to be out loud?" I answer, "Out loud. I think I'm ready for it." She leads me into the kitchen, and starts by saying, "What happened to you earlier, it happened to your mom, my mom, our Grandma, and I. It just happened later than it should've." I snap and shout, "But What exactly happened to me?!" Melody continues, "We are descended from an extremely long line of siren Magic-user hybrids. This should have happened 13 years ago, but you just awakened the abilities that come with what we are. Which, especially now, is a definite good thing." Mom rolls her eyes and says, "Had a feeling that this wasn't just a domestic visit. Why exactly are you here, Melodía?" Mel's eyes take on an extremely grim light as she says, "The others like Luke and I need your help. There's a new war on the horizon: the third one this century. We need the Beacon Hills Pack's help. I also wanted to meet my cousin for the first time ever." Shock builds inside me as I ask, "What do you mean: people like you and Luke? Also, you want us to fight in a fucking war?!" Mel's eyes widen as she quickly spins to face me and says, "No, I'm just hoping to get a little more help than we already have. You don't have to do anything, I promise! I was just hoping for some more help. Can I at least talk with the Alpha of your pack? Also, when I say people like Luke and I, I mean Demigods. I'm the Daughter of Hades, and Luke's a Son of Hermes." She then faces my mom and says, "Yes, Aunt Cass, it means Your Sister, i.e, my mom, was dating and co-parenting with The Greek God of the Underworld, who's also the God of Riches." Mom was too stunned to speak, and to be honest, so was I, but I was able to say, "You can come to tomorrow's pack meeting."

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