17: Do I Seriously Have The World's Only Braincell?!

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Melody POV:

These Idiots! I am done with people arguing on my behalf! I pinch the bridge of my nose, mentally drained from the last year, and put a megaphone spell on my hands and yell into it, saying, "FUCKWADS! You gonna actually talk or are y'all just gonna keep bickering like teenagers?" That got their attention, and the likely leaders come up and end up talking all at once, which isn't helpful in the slightest, so I say, "One at a time. We won't get anywhere if everyone talks at the same time." The clave member goes first, saying, "You may not remember me, but my name is Alexander Lightwood. I am saying this for myself: I am so sorry for what we did to your mother. We genuinely didn't know what to believe, and your file was-." I interrupt him and say, "I accept your apology, but please, assess for yourself before destroying a child's faith in government bodies. Don't expect forgiveness, as change still needs to be proven, and I already know about the file fuckery. I took care of it, as it was purposeful bias. Apollo Cabin is down at the archery range if you wanna go train with them." I turn towards the other clave members and usher them in, giving them slips to let them know where to go, and giving Magnus a friendly handshake before he heads in.

Next, 2 boys, seeming physically 25 and 17 respectively, walk up and say, "Hello. We're the owners of the house that you woke up from transition in. I'm-." I interrupt the older one, who was the one who spoke, and respond, "Oh, no. I remember you two. Stefan and Damon, Lillian and Giuseppe's sons. You guys were older brother figures to me in my previous life. You knew me as Crystal Veriaes. Damon, no murder or feeding and well be fine." Damon heads in, but I stop Stefan and whisper, "Un'osservazione omofoba e renderò una scena del crimine peggiore di quella di Olivia Morris con il tuo cadavere." He heads in, seemingly terrified, and their other idiots follow suit.

Third is one of the faces from my 18th: the British idiot who turned me, Niklaus Mikaelson. He approaches, so I hold my hand out for a handshake, but he turns it over and kisses my knuckles. Luke gets in front of me and says, near-growling, "Watch it, you British assclown." I peer out from behind my boyfriend and awkwardly ask, "Was that your way of silently apologizing or is it a British thing?" The suited one next to him says, "I'm sorry about my brother. He is known for being bad with apologies. I'm Elijah. You must be the lovely Melodía and the redeemed former enemy, Luke." I get out from behind and say, "I prefer Melody. I'm guessing you're the most controlled Original. You guys can head in, same rules as the other vampires here. If someone pisses you off majorly, ask Percy or Luke for a no-holds-barred sword fight. That will give equal footing." The Originals head in, along with their Significant Others.

The final group is the one that's caused me the most grief: Class 1A(Lacking the Hatred Factories). Izuku walks up and says, "Melody, we are so sorry. Bakugo never told us the truth, even after you left." I roll my eyes with a playful smirk and say, "He's a narcissistic psychopath, what are you expecting? Also, since when do you not call that cunt 'Kacchan'?" The broccoli responds with, "Since I found out what a lying, abusive coward he is." I smile and let them in, thinking Maybe a couple years around hardened soldiers will toughen the kid up enough to cuss. But enough moping, I've got a date with Luke tomorrow night!

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