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                     Chapter 1

                    Tiony's pov

  "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Shinel asks for the third time, making me feel annoyed.

  I groan inwardly, trying hard to mask my expression by persing my lips and shaking my head. "How can you study all the time?" She asks in an accusing manner, flipped her long blonde weave over her left shoulder, and began applying more makeup on her face.

  Steffon sighs loudly, and I turn my gaze on her, taking in the revealing outfit she was dressed in. She looked really hot, I have no doubt she'll be in the spotlight at the dance and she can also dance very well. "If I knew you would be so boring, I wouldn't have taken you with us. Chupsy, you're really a booknerd," Steffon blurted out in a slightly aggressive tone.

"Let's go." Shinel states, and they were out the door in less than five seconds, banging it shut behind them.

  I released a breath, I didn't realize I was holding feeling a bit embarrassed by what they had said. I don't have several men financing me like them, and neither am I interested in any. The two months of hype life my ex had forced me to indulge in a year ago was a farce for public display. Now his new girlfriend is working multiple jobs to keep up the show even though she's attending university. I shook my head and inhaled deeply, then exhaled upon a sigh.

  I had thought I had found a man who is financially stable and willing to help me, but I couldn't have been more wrong. From the moment he started borrowing my money, I had picked up that something was wrong. His excuse of the ATM machine taking his card was like a strike of lightning brightening up my mind on a dark stormy night when I found the card on the floor just after we had a very heated lovemaking session. He had rolled over and was fast asleep within seconds, while I stood looking down at the card, which had fallen from his pants pocket.

  Gary was boasy and had given me the pin number to withdraw money a week after we had taken our relationship to the next level. Feeling betrayed, I searched his pants pocket and found his two other cards, one debit and another savings. While he snores, I had hurriedly taken a shower, got dressed, and driven his car at after two in the morning to the ATM machines. I was surprised that they all used the same pin number after just casually checking them at the various ATMs. In my heart, I was glad I hadn't yielded to his constant force of taking him to my home to meet my parents.

  In a rage of anger, I withdraw the eighty-four grand out of his JN savings account, the thirty grand in his Sagicore savings account, and then went to megamart after three the following evening and used his debit card to purchase fifty-one thousand dollars worth of groceries when he went away to play football. I had taken the groceries and money home, then drove back to his rented one bedroom house and cooked a lavish meal out of all that he had purchased for my weekend stay over.

If I hadn't planned to leave him because of the lie, he had told me, I would definitely do so when I caught him talking to Analisa that night. He still had no idea that I had only pretended to be asleep, then had tiptoed out to the living room where he was speaking charmingly and promising to take her out the next weekend. He was touching me up for sex the next night when I told him that my period had suddenly come, sulking he had turned his back to me on the bed and went to sleep. With tears in my eyes, I took his phone and unlocked it like I had done to clear the ATM messages the day before, and this time, I checked through all his messages on every media platform.

'User.' I had voiced, but he was sleeping deeply and didn't hear me.

Wiping my tears with vengeance in my heart, I blocked my social media platforms from him on his phone, then did so on mine. Then I restored his phone to the factory setting and placed it on the bed beside him, careful in covering my tracks, I made him dropped me off at the hairdresser the following day with the excuse of meeting up with my mom. While I got my hair done, I saw him parked discreetly over on the other side, waiting inside his car. I smiled to myself and exited via the back door when I was done. My hair had merely wanted a touching up, and not even the hairdresser knew me.

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