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                       Chapter 33

                        Arly's pov

"Lisa, anything Carissa tell yuh believe har, mi busy mi nuh have no time fi yuh foolishness." I told Lisa who was standing by my office door when I got back to work.

The new supervisor had texted me and told me that she was there wanting to come inside and fight Carissa. "Mr. McGrath, we have a history, and as much as Carissa's pussy a come home widout di smell a yuh in dey from waday, mi still feel like you and har ina somn. Mi need an explanation as to how your 'oman had Carissa's bank card." Lisa states.

"Yuh, very slow fi a wanna be man. You really believe my 'oman would've made the chance pass har fi nuh try mek ruption wid you and Carissa after wha yuh duh? Get real, mi find Carissa's bank card di day before and just tek it up fi gi har when mi come a work. Mi not even did know sey a fi har until dis mawnin." I tell her and was glad when my phone rings.

I had to practically throw her out of my office afterward so I could do my work in peace to leave early like everyone else. The hurricane is said to start affecting the island by early Monday morning, and I had things to get done at home. An email of Carissa's resignation came on the computer, and I hissed under my breath at it and continued working. She and Lisa were outside in the parking lot when I finished locking up, and I blew a kiss at Celecia, who waved goodbye to me. The gateman was obviously vex that we were taking so long to leave, and I got into my jeep with André and Mummy, who had come for me.

"Two a dem pussy tongue heng dung like man buddy, all me couldn't liddung wid dem if me a man." Mummy says sarcastically a few minutes after we had driven out of the parking lot.

  [Erkkksss!] The tires screech as André stepped two hard on the brakes, nearly causing the jeep to overturn. "Ha ha ha ha ha aha ha aha ha." He roared laughing uncontrollably.

Stupid dutty Lisa had sent the videos to all my emergency contact persons, and I'm still bothered at how my parents had seen me in full sexual action with her and Carissa. Di na've nuh pride bitch had set my phone to record without me realizing it. Guh, si how di crosses goodly still a fantasize over me under di quiet, cause Carissa tell mi sey almost one time fi di day she affi bring it up. André stopped by the fruit man who was selling out his produce that would be overripe and unfit to sell after the impending hurricane, and I bought an abundant variety.

  When I got home, Mister Troy and Tyrone were helping Tiony to position a beautiful desk inside our living room, and I looked at the nice twirling office chair, cream, and dark brown file locker and several boxes of books. It sweet me how Tiony had splurged on Carissa's money, but I was a little worried about Lisa finding out and forcing her to do something about it. I could handle Lisa. It was Carissa's safety that was at risk. Tyrone carries some beautiful cushions inside, and Tiony took them and place them nicely on the couch. I had thought two boxes of saltfish were an insane purchase, but seeing a bucket of pigtails, a bucket of salt mackerel, a box of uncut chicken back in the deep freezer packed with various meat kinds still have me in awe.

  Mummy had told me that Miss Dianne seemingly had to place her hands on the things to keep them from falling over on her and Tiony, who arrived with Artyon and multiple boxes on her lap around the steering. I really want to know who exactly packed the other things in my jeep because they are very good, and I hope whichever driver drove the delivery truck that brought the other things, weren't familiar with this area. There were only two cases of supligens where they had been three and four cases of bottled water instead of six. No doubt the missing things were now over by Tiony's parents' house, I'm pleased with Tiony because I'll be benefiting from everything she had purchased.

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