1. carpool

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"want to come over and hangout later?" i asked walker and aryan.

"yeah sure! what are we gonna do?" aryan asked, walker nodded.

"liv you're up!" the director yelled for me.

"hold that thought," i told aryan, walking to the front of the camera.

i grabbed the sword and held it up, ready for them to yell action.

we were on the set of percy jackson and the olympians, i play annabeth chase alongside walker and aryan as percy and grover. we are almost finished with filming, we are into the final episode now. im sad its ending, i love this cast so much and im going to miss spending every day with them and the producers.

anyways, they yelled action and i ran towards the camera with the sword in hand, a scared expression on my face. in the episode i was going to be charging at a god, but i can't reveal too much. i finished the scene then we moved onto the next scene, me sword fighting the god and winning. after i won the next scene was percy (walker), and aryan (grover) coming to comfort me and i had to hug walker very desperately. it was a little awkward but it also felt comfortable. it was one of the final scenes of the season and we had only 2 more days of filming after this.


it was time to go home for the day, and aryan, walker, and i carpooled. walker was driving and i was in the passenger seat, aryan in the back.

"so i know we got interrupted but you guys can come over later right?" i asked, turning to walker then looking at aryan.

"yeah of course," walker said, "i want us all to hangout as much as possible since we might not see each other often after filming and the premiere."

"i agree," aryan started, "what time should we come over? should i bring my swim trunks if we go to the beach?"

"yeah bring your swimsuits just in case, along with an overnight bag because you guys will probably sleepover. also come at like 6 maybe?"

"sounds good," aryan said, looking back down at his phone.

i turned back to walker and we made eye contact as he smiled, then he turned back to the road with one hand on the steering wheel. walker and i have always had a great connection. of course aryan and i were best friends too, but my relationship with walker was just different. it has never really been a romantic connection but we definitely have had some moments.

walker dropped aryan off first then me. he pulled into my driveway and i opened the door, stepping out.

"thank you, see you later?"

"yup," he smiled, but this time with his teeth. once of his genuine smiles. he usually had those around me.

i smiled back as we locked eyes before i shut the door and did an awkward run inside. i shut the front door and watched from the window as walker backed out of my driveway and drove away.

i started to walk towards the stairs and my room before i noticed wesley, my brother, in the kitchen.

wes was diagnosed with depression last year, and ever since i have been looking out for him and trying to spend as much time together as we can. i can just tell he is getting better each day, but sometimes he just looks straight up miserable. he was 16, 2 years younger than me.

"hey buddy, whatcha up to?" i asked him.

"nothing," he mumbled, grabbing a drink and starting to head up the stairs.

"not so fast," i grabbed his arm, "want to hangout with my friends and i later? im sure they won't mind."

"im good," he shook out of my grip and walked up the stairs.

he was like this sometimes and sometimes he was happier. he always has mood changes. i sighed and followed him upstairs, but instead going to my room instead of his. once he gets like this ive learned to just leave him alone for a while. my friends were coming back over in less than 2 hours anyways.

after that i got ready. i figured maybe we would grab dinner and head to the beach. it sounded like a fun plan and we have done it before so hopefully they will be up to it today.

it was about 5:30 and i was putting some light makeup on before i heard my dad call me downstairs.

"livi!" he yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

my dad was the only person that called me livi. he has been since i was a baby, and it has just stuck. he just calls wesley wes like mostly everyone else.

i set down my blush and ran down the hallway to the top of the stairs.

"yeah?" i yelled back.

"come down real quick!" he screeched.

i raised my eyebrows and hopped down the stairs, finding him, my mom, and wesley in the kitchen.

"whats up?" i eyed wesley as he was picking at his finger.

"were going to go out for dinner at that new restaurant down in the city, want to tag along?" my mom spoke up as she put her hand lightly on wesley's shoulder.

"no thanks, walker and aryan are coming over," i chirped, smiling at the thought of seeing my friends again really soon.

"alright," my dad sucked his lips in, "have fun we'l see ya later."

"please come mom and dad are going to bug me the whole time," wes mumbled as he stood up.

"you'll be fine," i rolled my eyes playfully, "bye!"

i ran back up the stairs and finished my makeup, hearing my family leave the house and the garage door shut. i turned on some taylor swift for a while as i finished getting ready until i finally heard a knock on the door. i ran down the stairs ecstatically and swung it open, seeing walker standing there with a big bag and smiling at me.

"hey!" i opened the door wider and motioned for him to come in.

"whats up!" he walked in and i shut the door behind him.

"so what are we doing?" he asked, turning to me.

"i figured we could go grab some food then head to the beach. does that sound ok..?" i pursed my lips and waited nervously for his response.

"obviously!! im starving."

i let out a breathe and took his bag from him, heading up the stairs and setting it in my room. he followed me up of course without me knowing so when i went to walk out i ran straight into him.

"jesus christ," i jumped.

"sorry," he laughed, grabbing my shoulders to keep me from falling over because i hit his body so hard.

softly i pushed my hair behind my left ear and smiled up at him. our height difference was pretty crazy, at least 5 or 6 inches i must say. his hands were still on my shoulders and our eyes were still locked until another knock appeared on the front door. we broke eye contact and he cleared his throat, i crossed my arms over my body nervously as i bit the inside of my cheek and slipped past him and down the stairs. thank god aryan saved me from that awkward moment. walker followed me back down the stairs and i opened the door, letting aryan in. i took his bag and put it upstairs also.

"so aryan were going to grab dinner then go to the beach. is that alright?" i spoke up.

"yeah sounds fun," he smiled.

i nodded and they quickly grabbed their swim trunks before we left. they were going to change at the restaurant after we ate. i thought we wouldn't go somewhere really nice, probably just chick-fil-a or something who knows. walker had literal pajama pants on so we definitely weren't going to a fancy restaurant.

A/N please vote, comment, and share this story! if you are reading this i love you more than anything and drop some requests if you want!

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