28. comic con

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"oh my gosh guys we are all invited to comic con!" aryan grinned.

"hell yeah!" walker said.

"i love doing comic cons!" i admitted.

comic cons were truly fun. meeting fans is the best because the ones that come to meet you are mostly true fans. i love talking to them about movies and what not.

"ok should i email them and tell them were all coming?" aryan raised an eyebrow.

"yeah, when is it?" walker asked.

"this weekend."

"im up for it totally." i said.

aryan emailed the people who run comic con back and let them know that we would be attending all 3 days of the weekend, friday, saturday, and sunday.


"im kind of nervous, this is my first one," aryan told us as we pulled up to the building comic con was being held.

"all the advice i have for you guys is just to be yourself. these people are coming here to meet you, so don't give them something fake. its fun!" i smiled widely.

"i got this," walker wiped his shoulder sarcastically.

"oh please, stop it." i giggled.

"or what?"

"what?" i raised my eyebrows.

"what if i don't stop?" he smirked.

"then i'll-"

"don't make me be a third wheel please." aryan interrupted and put his hands up.

"aryans bor-ing!" i dragged out in a whine.

"i give a maximum of 3 kisses today," aryan fake gagged as we came to a stop in front of the back doors.

"then we'll make them count," walker smiled before grabbing my chin and pecking me.

i kissed him back softly, placing my hand by his ear. i leaned back in and we kissed more.

"alright, alright, thats enough!" aryan stuck his tongue out and motioned his finger into his mouth.

walker and i pulled away and laughed. our security got out and opened the doors for us and we stepped out. one of them opened the door for us and two others walked in, the rest of them were going to follow behind and around us.

"ladies first," walker said, motioning towards the door.

i thanked the security guard holding the door and walked in behind the other ones. people immediately started yelling and screaming for me. i waved and walker walked up beside me, aryan on my other side. walker nudged my hand then grabbed it, interlocking our fingers. i smiled to myself and kept waving to fans waiting in the lines for other celebrities.

we approached our own lines and i almost gasped at how many people were waiting in mine. i was so greatful. there had to be over a hundred people in line, and it was overflowing. there were a lot in walkers and aryans line too.

"everyone loves you," walker leaned down and whispered in my ear before we all split ways to get to our autograph signing tables.

i smiled and sat down as the fans in my line squealed. "hi!" i greeted the first woman.

she handed me a picture of my character in percy jackson, annabeth. i signed it with a gold sharpie, "how are you doing?"

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