8. airport

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it was time. walker had to go.

i just arrived at the airport with him and his mother. aryan couldn't come because of his family reasons, but he already said bye to walker. i felt like crying as i helped heather get her suitcase out of the trunk, walker grabbing it out of my hands to then help me. walker grabbed both of his suitcases and we walked into the airport.

i was driving their car back to their house where mine was, then i was getting back into mine and driving home.

as we walked through the doors, heather stopped us.

"im going to go print out the plane tickets so you guys can say goodbye, okay?"

we both nodded, i wrapped my arms around my body as tears filled my eyes.

"im going to miss you livi," she smiled.

i wanted to laugh at her nickname for me, but i just couldn't. i tried but a tear slipped out instead. i quickly wiped it and another fell. she frowned and hugged me tightly. i hugged her back. she pulled away and waved to me as she walked away. i bit my lip as walker and i turned to each other.

his hands fell from his suitcase handles and to his sides. i stared into his blue eyes and i saw them filled with tears too. they fell from my eyes and suddenly he reached for my face, wiping them away with his soft thumbs. i leaned into his touch, wanting to break down in the middle of this airport and just sob. i tried to hold it together.

he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug. his arms wrapped around me tightly and mine wrapped around his waist. my face burrowed into his chest as i let out silent sobs into his hoodie. he kissed the top of my head before resting his chin on it. i took in his scent for one last time.

we must have stood like that for minutes before he spoke up.

"it will be okay liv. i will try to facetime the groupchat as much as i can. we will be okay, i promise," he pulled away and held my shoulders, looking for answers in my eyes.

"i-" i cried, "im going to miss you more than anything. if y-you can't call try to text okay?"

he nodded, we hugged again for a few seconds before we pulled away for the last time. we looked into each other's eyes for the last. took in the sight of each other for the last time.

"your eyes are beautiful, you know that?" i laughed as tears kept falling from my face.

he laughed as tears started to run down his own face. i have never seen walker cry before. i got onto my tiptoes because it was my turn to wipe his tears. i carefully wiped them and ran my fingers through his soft curls gently with my other hand. i sighed before he smiled weakly. i smiled back the best i could before leaning in and kissing his cheek. his face flushed a light pink but he still cried, and so did i.

this was it.

his hands found their way back to his two suitcase handles.

"ill see you soon, okay?" he looked at me.

"love you," i said, in a friendly way of course.

"love you too," he managed to get out raspy.

he turned away from me and started walking towards the baggage drop off. i watched him leave as i wrapped my arms around myself again. i should have asked for his hoodie but that would have been selfish. im in a t-shirt and it is super chilly.

i saw him stop and his head slowly turned back around to me. we both met each others eyes and smiled once more. he turned back around and kept walking. i let out another cry before turning around myself and walking out of the airport.

i got into the car and starting it quickly, turning on the heat. i shivered and closed my eyes. i cried. i cried and cried until i yearned to lay in bed and cry more so i backed out of the airport parking lot and started back to the scobells house. i connected my phone to the carplay and played my sad taylor swift playlist. i needed it more than anything right now.

after multiple songs, i pulled up to the scobell house and parked the car in the driveway. i turned it off and got out, running to my car parked on the street. i got in and wiped my face. i hit the gas and headed home.


after i got home i took a long nap for about 2 hours. once i woke up my eyes were a little bit puffy but not as bad as i thought they would be which is good. i sat up and my phone buzzed.

attachment: 1 image
sunset from the plane made me think of you!! missing you and aryan already

i smiled to myself and loved the image, texting him back quickly before going downstairs to grab a snack. as i groggily walked into the kitchen i found wesley already in there. he turned to me.

"hey wes," i said quietly.

"what's wrong?" he asked even more quiet and slow, apparently noticing my puffy eyes.

"walker just had to leave to film another project. at least for a year." i looked down.

"oh." was all he said at first, then, "sorry."

i swallowed and nodded before he left the kitchen without saying anything else and went up to his room. i sighed in defeat. all i wanted to do was help him but when one of my best friends is gone for a while all he says is sorry?

A/N ARE YOU PROUD OF ME I WROTE THIS ALL RN NONSTOP (even tho its kinda short whoops but awwww so sad im crying myself to sleep rn too)

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