20. sneaking out

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"season 2 is confirmed!" i screamed.

walker and aryans heads both shot towards me as i read the email from rick riordan.

"no way!" aryan smiled.

"already dude?" walker said happily, dabbing up aryan.

they sat on the floor of my bedroom and i sat on my bed. they came over a few hours ago and we have just been hanging out and talking.

its been over a month since i first hungout with brady, and we have gotten really close. close but not really dating. i don't wanna say it isn't like that, but i think it kind of is. nothing official yet at least. like i said before, its tough. i've liked walker for a while now but im just too scared. and i've definitely taking a liking to brady, and im almost certain he feels the same way. just neither of us has made a move yet. we hangout a lot, just like i do with walker and aryan. i just don't know what to do anymore.

i still try to visit wesley regularly, every week. i've been getting busier, though. im starting to do more auditions and try to get back into acting like i was before wesleys death. i also just said, season 2 of percy jackson was just confirmed so i will have that. i sent in a few audition tapes this past week. i have a manager that helps me out with all that. some weeks i have a lot of auditions and some i don't have as much. just the other day i didn't have any, but the next day i filmed like 4. its just a tight schedule with auditions, hanging out with my friends, and then trying to visit wesley.

i hate calling myself famous, i try to say im well known. its a fact, but obviously theres people that are better than me in auditions so im not going to get every one. im also just a familiar face so im going to be a little more successful at landing jobs than other people my age. its all confusing but it works and i get the right amount of work, sometimes too much. i was filming wednesday and another movie at the same time last year, it was tiring but i got it done.


my phone rang. it was 12 am and i was trying to sleep. walker and aryan left a long time ago and i was just starting to drift off- it buzzed again.

i groaned, rolling over and picking it up, seeing bradys name light up on the screen. i rolled my eyes.

"yea brady, what can i do for you?" i said sarcastically.

"can we go to the beach please?"

"are you crazy? its the middle of the night!" i yell-whispered.

"come on have some fun liv, please?"

"ok fine."

"ill be at your house in 5 minutes."

"can you come outside my window and catch me? no way im going to risk going out the front door."

"yeah of course."

he hung up and i let out an annoyed breath. i whipped the covers off of me and stood up from my bed. i walked over to my dresser and put on a bikini, then putting a hoodie and shorts back on top of it. i pulled my hair into a low, messy bun and put my hood up. i grabbed a tote bag and stuffed a towel into it and waited by my window as i saw bradys car pull up, his headlights off. he knows better than to turn them on. i watched as he got out, not bothering to close his door. he ran over to my window and i opened it carefully, trying to be quiet.

"hey," he smiled up at me.

"yeah you're definitely crazy," i laughed silently.

"maybe," he cracked a silly smile which made me giggle again.

i climbed out my window and slid down the small roof, my legs hanging off the edge. brady outstretched his arms, motioning for me to jump down.

"im scared!" i whispered loudly.

ive done this multiple times before, 3 different boys. one being my psycho ex and the other 2 being aryan and walker. they have helped me sneak out like this before, us going god knows where. its fun, im just nervous to try it with brady. what if he plans to kill me or something. and im always nervous to jump off for the firsy time with a new person.

"what? why? haven't you done this before?" he asked.

"yeah but what if you aren't strong enough to catch me!"

he gasped, a hand flying to his chest, "im offended.

"ok just promise you will catch me?" i sucked my lips in nervously.

"yes liv i promise!" he outstretched his arms once again.

i held my breath and inched of the roof, letting myself drop from it. i let the breath go as i felt brady grasp onto me bridal style. he set me down and we smiled at each other.

"thanks!" i said and kissed his cheek.

i pulled away and he turned bright red. i giggled and thought nothing of it. i turned around and darted to his car. brady ran behind me. i quickly opened the passenger door and hopped in as brady got into the drivers seat. he rubbed his hands again and started the car back up, speeding away from my house and towards the beach.

A/N quick little chapter im sorry!! i have to get up early i will try to update asap. pls vote and comment

(many of u also arent following so lets fix that please and thanks)

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