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Roman's pov.

It had been 4 days since the incident at the event had unfolded. I was currently in the bedroom, my hand on top of Melody's, as she laid on her back with her eyes closed. Her chest slowly moving up and down. I stared down at her. Looking at every inch of her, observing every little detail. She's so beautiful. I thought to myself. My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"You must eat boy, if you want to live for the girl" I looked up, it was aurora. I shook my head, "I shall not eat until she eats."

Though the smell of Melody's blood lingered through my nose, I held back my hunger.

"You like the girl a lot huh? At least go take a shower, and take care of your hygiene. You haven't showered in days" she said, her finger waving in my face.

I ignored her words, my body stayed still as I slightly tightened my grip on melody's soft, and cold hands.

I heard a knock on the door before a head popped in. It was Marcos father. I quickly let go of melody, before standing up, "get out" I said calmly, pointing at the door. He chuckled, "lookie here.." he whispered staring at melody. Mind if I take a look?" He joked. A smile placed on his face. I growled, "the fuck are you chuckling at? Isn't your son on his death bed?" I questioned, my voice at a low tone.

" He's in surgery right now, that's how bad the damage was. It would only be fair to get revenge "

I heard him joke, as he took as small step closer to Mel. My eyes felt like they widened before they started to burn. "What?" He asked. "Calm down. He's only trying to intimidate you" I heard my sister whisper into my ear. Before I could process what she had said, my body was already across the room, my hand on his throat. His body slowly raising, his feet dangling from the floor as I lift him up.

I watched his face turn red. I stared at him, "I will end your bloodline with you and your son, if you do not leave my castle in the next 5 minutes." I said, my eyes piercing into his, I watched the veins pop out of his neck, and forehead as his face turned red and his body shook. I knew I wasn't gonna give him any time to leave , because I wanted to kill him. I didn't want him to have a choice.

After holding him for what felt like minutes, I heard my sister speak, "let him go, Roman!" She slightly yelled. I looked up at the man, his eyes started to slowly roll back. I dropped him before his body fell unconsciously onto the floor.

I called two guards to take care of him before turning my body to face melody and my sister.

"Go take a break, NOW" she screamed. I guess I do need one. I told myself before nodding and walking out of the room.


I had just stepped out the shower and brushed my   Pearly teeth before racing down the stairs, back into the room where melody had been in a deep sleep.

I stepped in the room to see my sister sitting in the chair that sat next to melody hospital bed, though we weren't in a hospital, we had medical rooms for things that could happen. Like this.

I looked back at my sister, "aurora, can u please give us some time alone" I whispered, walking up to melody.
My sister said nothing, before walking out.

I took in every little detail of melody's face, I held her hand before going into deep thoughts.

If I never would've never decided to be so violent out of anger, and jealousy, would I have cost so much pain to her?

She means so much to me, though I had just met her.  she still meant so much to me. It felt like I'd known her my whole life.

I know she doesn't know about the blood sucking vampire I am.. well, until now, but I would never dare to land of finger on her in such a violent way.

My mind kept going on and on before I felt a small squeeze on my hand. All my breath left my body, and my eyes widened, looking at the woman who sat still. "Darling?" I whispered.

No response.

My thoughts from just seconds ago, went on repeat. I felt my eyes sting. Warm liquid filled my eyes. Before it released onto my cheeks, and onto melody's hand.

I whispered quietly before sitting back down.. 'I love you'

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