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Melody's pov

I stood in the elevator with Roman as it took us down to the first floor. I looked around the huge home. "Wow" I whispered, "like it?" Roman asked, grabbing onto my hand, walking towards the small voice that began to get louder.

I saw a black haired woman with small gray streaks popping out from her roots, she had dark purple eyes. A man stood next to her, he was bulky but not buff his eyes were red and his veins popped out of his head. "HOW DARE YOU BRING THESE MUTTS INTO OUR HOME?!" The man yelled at Aurora as isa stood slightly behind her. Isa looked slightly scared.

"Calm down" the purple eyed woman said calmly, holding onto the man's arm. "What happened?" Roman spoke up. "He upset about isa and Mel" Aurora said. "Come on, let's go upstairs" the woman said, slowly dragging the angry man upstairs.

"So why was he upset about them?" Roman asked again. "Il Loro umano" Aurora whispered as she rolled her eyes. "Oh, he'll get used to it. He has to." Roman chuckled to himself.

"Let's go" he said, as he walked towards the stairs, everyone else following behind.

Roman and Aurora showed us around before we all went to our rooms.

"Your staying with me?" I said, referring to the room. "Why wouldn't I, amore mio" Roman whispered has face inched towards mine, our lips brushing against each other. A knock interrupted us as we jumped apart.

"Roman" I heard a voice call, "come in" he said.
The purple eyed woman from earlier popped in. "Sorry about earlier, he's still getting use to everything, who's this?" She looked at me.

"My girlfriend, grandma"

HIS GRANDMA?! GRANDMA MY ASS. I thought to myself, I could feel myself sweating of nervousness.

"Ahhh" she put her hand out, before I shook hands with her. "What's your name?" She asked

"Melody" I said, a slight smile on my face. "You're a very beautiful girl, Melody."

"Thank you" I said. "I'd like to have breakfast with you in the morning, alone. Is that fine?" I nodded in response.

"Alrighty then, goodnight, I know you guys had a looong flight!" She chuckled to herself. "Me and Roman both nodded before she walked out, and closing the door.

"Lock the door" Roman said, before walking into the bathroom with a towel on his shoulder. "Why?" I asked. "My grandfather, I'm worried about him"

"Ummm okay?" I said, before locking the door. What is he yapping about? I thought to myself.

"Melody!" I heard Roman yell from the shower, "what" I said. A loud BOOM came from the bathroom. "Roman." I said quietly, I quickly walked to the bathroom before knocking on the door, "Roman?" I said again, no response.

"Roman??" I said a little louder before. Again, no answer.

"ROMAN?!" I screamed, I felt my chest getting heavy as my vision got blurry. "ROMAN" I yelled constantly twisting the door knob, the door was locked. I could feel the air being knocked out of me as I started for getting how to breathe. "OPEN THE DOOR ROMAN." I sobbed.

I heard footsteps running up the stairs, "Melody?" A voice called out. I quickly heard the door behind me open as I turned around hoping to see Roman, it was isa, aroura and Roman's grandmother all standing in-front of me. I choked on my spit and air, as I tried to make out a sentence. "He's screaming" was all I could get out before I broke down.

"Melody?" A deeper voice called I looked up to see Roman behind the rest of the 3 people who stood in front of me. I stood up before hugging to Roman. "What happened." I sobbed, tears all over my face, still flowing out of my eyes, down my cheeks, and onto both me and Roman's shirts.

"It was just a joke ml I -" my heart dropped as the rest of his sentence became nothing but a blur. I watched his lips move as I felt anger fill my chest.

"WHAT THE FUCK ROMAN?!" I said, before sending a powerful push towards the big man. He stumbled back catching his balance. I looked around the room.

Isa looked at Roman like she was about to kill Jim with her own two hands. Aroura looked at roman as if he was asking to do die, and his grandmother looked at him with nothing more but disappointment.

I walked out the room, and towards the first room I saw as I slammed the door. I could hear yelling from the other room

"what the fuck Roman. You had her looking like you had just died in front of her"

"As sensitive and innocent as she is you thought that was funny?"

"I know my daughter did not raise you to act like this."

I cried myself to sleep that night, all because I was in shock.

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