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Roman's pov

Me and aroura had soon found out, the reason Mel  had blacked out. It was because she hit her head without realizing it, not only that, all the fear and anxiety she felt made it worse.

It made me feel weak just thinking about it. If it wasn't for my foolishness me and melody could be reading books in the personal library on the 4th floor, or even eating ice cream. The more I had waited for her to wake up , the more and more I felt weak.

Not only from the thought of melody made me feel weak but the way I had starved myself for 6 days now. It had gotten worse and worse. Last night before I went to bed, I basically almost lashed out. My fangs were throbbing for hours and I could smell every bit of blood that lingered through out the castle. I had the worse headache along with being light headed.

I started to eat, the only way I would be able to commit, is to stop drinking for more than 15 days.

Food wasn't the way. I could go years without eating yet nothing would happen.  Though my stomach will still feel empty.

I was currently leaning on the piano that sat next to the entrance of the door. I was humming to music before I heard a bloody scream.


Aroura's pov

I unplugged the monitor that sat next to melody. She looked at me before speaking. "I can't believe Roman would kill someone. I honestly can't believe he looked so scary." She said, venting to me.

Melody had woken up, about 30 minutes ago. I gave her water, I could tell she was still weak. I hadn't told Roman because I knew he would put ALOT of pressure onto her because he missed her and just wanted nothing more than to talk to her. But I also didn't want her to have another episode out of shock.

"Melody... Look at me" I said, looking at her glossy eyes. "You know Roman is my brother, correct?"  I asked. She nodded in response. "So you also understand I'm also a vampire?" I watched melody's eyes widen in realization to what I had said.

I watched her gasp before letting out a horrid scream.

Before I knew it. My brother was standing in the door way, his eyes also widening, only to see melody.

He didn't hesitate to embrace melody into a hug, she also didn't hesitate to fight back and scream. "GET OF ME!" She fought, her small hands in a fist, punching at Roman's chest. He quickly backed up.

Melody ripped off the wires that connected from the monitor to her body. She attempted to run out the room, but Roman was faster. He hooked his arm around her waist as her body folded over his arm, before he gently pushed her back, as she fell back into the bed.

She screamed once again. "STOP!" She kicked and threw her arms around in hope of getting loosened

Roman's pov.

I felt her try and get loose, though it didn't work. She was still really weak. I also, was weak just not as week as her

She screamed, "YOUR A MONSTER! YOU KILLED HIM!" The words rang out my ears.

My grip slowly let go before pinning her down to the bed.

A monster? I'm a monster?  If anything I've only called myself a monster, never from someone else, and I definitely didn't want melody to be the first.

Anger built in me before I gripped her shoulders, but not enough to hurt her. I shook her, trying to knock some sense into her "WATCH YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" I shouted at Melody.

Her eyes widened, she stopped fighting back immediately .  I watched tears flood her eyes quickly. Her warm tears fell on my shirt as she cried, her head on my chest.

"Please don't hurt Me" she begged, gripping my shirt.

"I'm sorry for being rough. I would never dare put a finger on you in such a violent way" I whispered, kissing her forehead.

I let go of her body, letting it fall back. I heard her sobbing before walking out, my sister only comforting her. I was disappointed in myself.


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