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Jin stood there, nonplussed. "What do you mean, no? Didn't you two have fun last night?" Hoseok looked down. "I did. 

I don't know about her. Maybe she got bored." Jin sighed. 

"Did you forget to ask for her number or did she refuse to give it to you?" Hobi shifted from one foot to another. "She said it was fun and liberating to talk to someone without judgment. And I forgot to ask for her number."

"She must be a student here. You'll meet her again. Now, how about I make your favorite and you remember everything you can that could help you find her again?" "Mac and cheese?" Hoseok's face lit up.

"That's what I meant." Jin smiled. A loud knock took them both by surprise. 

Jin went to get the door and found himself face to face with a girl dressed in a sailor-cut shirt and tight jeans

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Jin went to get the door and found himself face to face with a girl dressed in a sailor-cut shirt and tight jeans. She was pretty and wore no makeup, and Jin thought she was vaguely familiar. Her nose was a bit red and she looked like she'd been crying.

"I'm Hana," she said in a throaty pleasant voice. "Is Hobi in?" Jonathan stepped aside. "Hello, Hana. 

Please, come in. Hoseokaa, Hana is here," he called for his roommate. Hobi materialized by his side in an instant. 

Hana threw his arms around him and began crying. "I'm sorry, I like you, but I must tell you the truth, Hoseok." Jin felt like a notorious third wheel. 

"I think you two need some privacy. I'll be in my room if you need me." He began walking away when Hana started talking again. 

She seemed to be as extra as Hobi, so surely they had something in common

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She seemed to be as extra as Hobi, so surely they had something in common. "Namjoon told me I should talk to you and see if you were interested in girls, and I--" Jin turned on his heel at the speed of light. "Namjoon did what?" Hana stared at him, confused. 

She pressed a tissue against her nose. "Namjoon told me to talk to Hoseok to see if he were gay, but I like Hobi for real," she said simply. Now he knew what he had thought was wrong with that picture when he had seen Hana all over Hoseok. 

He ground his teeth and jumped into his shoes. "Where are you going?" Hobi asked. Jin cracked his knuckles. 

"I'm going to teach a bad boy some bloody manners." Jin felt like he was being suffocated by how angry he felt. The only explanation was that Namjoon had somehow thought of Hoseok being the competition or something along those lines. 

That, however, gave him no right to put some girl up to seduce Hobi and who knew what else. Hana appeared to be an honest albeit aloof girl, and according to her declarations, she liked Hoseok for real, but that still didn't make things right. Kim Namjoon would have to be held accountable for his actions. 

And if there were anything good enough to cure Jin of his obsession with the guy, proving the guy was an absolute asshole after all could do the trick

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And if there were anything good enough to cure Jin of his obsession with the guy, proving the guy was an absolute asshole after all could do the trick. He knocked on the door to the house Namjoon was sharing with his friends with increased urgency. Yoongi opened it and stared at him for a moment.

"Is Namjoon in?" It would have been so stupid if he had hurried there without even knowing if Namjoon was home.

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