Chapter 1: Kidnapped

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Kurogiri's POV:
As I warp into the Todoroki Estate I find myself in a room and spot the Little Uchiha. As I carefully pick her up I warp back to the abandoned bar and Shigaraki looks at me. "Who is this brat?" Shigaraki says quietly. "This is just someone that All For One want for experiments." I say calmly. Shigaraki nods his head and I take the girl to the secret science lab that Dr. Garaki has. When I enter he looks at the little girl and smiles. "Finally the daughter of Madara Uchiha." Garaki says excitedly. I place her onto an operation table and strap the two year old down to the table. I feel bad for kidnapping an innocent child but I have no choice since All For One Controls me. She stays asleep and I leave the room. I tend to the bar making sure that it is clean and Shigaraki reads a book that was assigned to him by All For One. "It's getting late go to bed." I say quietly. He does as I say and I finish cleaning up before making my way to my own room. I lay down on the bed and fall asleep.

Mrs. Todoroki:
After Preparing dinner I go to check on my children and I see that Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Toya are in the living room. "Dinner is ready but where is Shoto and Anaksu?" I say quietly. "Check Shoto's room." Fuyumi says calmly. I walk to my son's room and I see Shoto but no Anaksu. "Shoto dinner is ready also where is Anaksu?" I say with concern. "She went to the guestroom." Shoto says calmly. I nod my head and he goes to the dining room. I look in the guestroom bedroom and when I look I don't see her. I check each room around the house and don't find her. I call the police and they respond. I inform them and they put out a missing child's alert. I call Madara and the phone rings. I wait and hear the phone being picked up. "Hello?" Madara says quietly. "It's Rei, I'm sorry but it seems that Anaksu has gone missing." I say nervously. The phone goes silence as ever and I know that he'll be mad. He hangs up and I sigh. I go to the dining room and they look at me like something is wrong.

"Mom what's wrong?" Natsuo says with concern. "Anaksu has gone missing." I say quietly. Their eyes widen and I sigh. "For now we'll leave it up to the heroes and authorities." I say quietly. We sit down and quietly eat dinner. It was an awkward dinner and Shoto frowns as he eats his dinner. After they are done I send them to their rooms and I wait in the living room. I look out the window and sigh. As I wait I find myself closing my eyes and fall asleep.

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