Chapter 6: The Nightmare

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Madara's POV:
As I look around my house I sigh thinking whether I should make my sons stay with Izuna while Anaksu stays with Shota. I trust him to look after my daughter and I know that he wouldn't let anything happen to her. My eldest son was targeted and now I have to find out who it was that put him in the hospital. I walk around my house looking for some clues and I find finger prints on the hard wood table. I have someone scan the finger prints and go check the rooms. I check my daughter's room and it's the same. I grab a duffel bag and pack it with some of my daughter's clothes, hygiene products, medication, and a few books since she loves to read. I check the other rooms to see if they are destroyed or not and they all seem to be standing. I go back downstairs and the detective tells me the identity of who attacked my son. When I heard that it was the Senju my eyes widen. I sigh and the detective and police leave my house. I go to my room and pack a bag since my house is currently a crime scene.

After packing my bag I go back to my daughter's room and grab her iPod along with her earplugs. I leave my house and lock it up. I walk over to my car and head to my brother-in-law's house. I focus on driving and the ride only take up to 10 minutes. I arrive and knock on the door. Shota opens the door and he looks at me. He tells me that my daughter is in the guestroom and I take the bag to the guestroom.

Anaksu's POV:
I was back in that same room but this time I couldn't seem to escape. Dr. Garaki injects my arm with a needle full of quirk enhancement substance and I whimper in pain. "Soon you'll be the perfect weapon." Dr. Garaki says seriously. I glare at him and he ups the dosage for the quirk-enhance drug. He used electroshocks to force me into amnesia and I fight it. He turns up the electro vibration and All For One walks in. I notice that he has my father strapped down to a table. He stabs my father multiple times and I look at him in shock. I struggle to get free and then everything fades to black.

While I sit too quickly the room starts to spin and I feel myself hyperventilating from the nightmare. Just the mere thought of losing my father is enough to make me lose control. I'm not close to my brothers and they aren't close to me. I hear the door open and cringe a bit. I notice that it is my father and he notices that I'm awake but he also notices that I'm having a panic attack. He set my bag down and I run a hand through my hair. He sits on the edge of the bed and I look at my hands shaking from very bad nerves. My father pulls me into a hug and instinctively I wrap my arms around him. He tries to calm me down and I cry into his shoulder. I never have shown my emotions around people but when I'm in emotional distress my father is the only one who has seen me this way. He leads me through my breathing exercises and I just work on controlling my breathing but my mind just keeps on spiraling. He puts my earplugs into my ears and plays my music.

My Mental Health Track starts playing and I listen to my music. "Do you want me to stay here since our house is currently a crime scene?" Dad says quietly. I nod my head and he pats my head. "Okay, I'll stay but I have to get my bag from the car." Dad says reassuringly. I nod my head and he leaves to go get his bag. I get up and walk over to grab my duffel bag. I set it on the bed and put out a set of pajamas that my dad packed for me. I walk into the private bathroom and put on my pajamas. I look at my reflection and sigh. I look at the black bi-cycle shorts long with a matching tank top and I cover up with my hoodie since I don't like when others see my scars. I walk out of the bathroom and my father walks in. I grab my toothbrush along with my toothpaste and walk back into the private bathroom. I double-brush my teeth and then leave the bathroom once my teeth are perfectly cleaned. I see that my dad is wearing his pajamas and they are all black.

I sit on the bed and dad walks into the bathroom. I plug in my phone to my charger and pull out my airpods now that I have calmed down. Dad walks out of the bathroom and he sits next to me. I lay down and dad sets up an area on the floor. I end up shifting into my wolf form and my wolf is the size of a 6ft tall human. I curl up and end up falling asleep instantly.

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