Chapter 12: Everyone's Concern For Anaksu

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Shoto's POV:
As I sit in class working on taking notes the door opens to reveal a moodier Aizawa and Midoriya raises his hand. "What is it Midoriya?" Mr. Aizawa says seriously. "Where is Anaksu?" Midoriya says with concern. We were all thinking it but at least he said something. "Her uncle came and got her." Aizawa says seriously. He leaves the conversation at that and I sigh. I continue to work on my notices and I think at Anaksu.

Aizawa's POV:
I give them a free period and have Present Mic take over. I leave a note for Nezu that I'm leaving early and I walk out of the school. I take the bus to my brother-in-law's agency and hope my niece is okay. I get off at the next stop and head towards Madara's agency. The walk was short but I caught Madara before he went on patrol. "Why did you let them use a psychic to look into her mind?" Madara says with disappointment. "I didn't have a choice they were going to expell her for her behavior at the U.S.J and I would do anything to help Anaksu achieve her goal to become a hero." I say seriously but also with guilt. "You promised that my daughter would be safe as long as she attended UA." Madara says seriously. I sigh and know that Madara is a very protective father. After my sister died I knew that it left a mental scar on Madara. I know that he has a hard time trusting others. "I'll do better to make sure that she gets through the next three years safely and if anything should happen then you have every right to remove from UA." I say seriously. His eyes widen in shock and sighs.

Madara's POV:
I sigh and look at Shota. "Fine, but if she gets hurt or dies UA will pay the consequences." I say seriously. He nods his head and I go on my patrol around Musutafu. I know that I can be available but difficult to deal with but if my daughter dies or gets hurt I'm serious about bringing UA down.

I sigh and notice the fire breaking out. I call for backup and hear a child crying. I put out the fire on the main floor as I walk into the building, and search for the crying child. I find a little girl I knee in front of her and she looks at me. "Come on let's get you out of here." I say in a gentle tone of voice. She nods her head and I carry the 5-year-old out of the building towards the paramedics. I go check for more survivors and put out more of the fire I come across two adult corpses and continue putting out the fire where in each room but I find more corpses. Once the fire is completely out I leave the building and inform the police that there are no more survivors. The clean-up crew arrives and I notice the little girl being checked over. I walk over to her and she looks at me. "Does she have any injuries?" I say seriously. "Just a few bruises and cuts but she'll be fine." The paramedic says seriously. I nod my head and a police officer comes over. "Madara, I called around some orphanages and they are full." Tsukauchi says seriously. "I could take her in." I say quietly. He nods his get and I look at the child. She is so small to be facing a loss like this and I feel sorry that she is going through this.

"I have to make a call." I say seriously. Tsukauchi nods his head and I move to the side of the ambulance. I dial my daughter's phone and the phone rings. I sigh and she answers. "Dad?" Anaksu says tiredly. "Sorry, for disturbing you but I'm returning to the agency." I say seriously. "Aren't you on patrol?" Anaksu says with confusion. "Yeah, but there was a fire and only a little girl survived." "Seems that all the Orphanages are overfilled so I'm bringing the little girl to my agency." I say seriously. "Okay, see you when you get here." Anaksu says calmly. "Goodbye, Little Wolf." I say in a gentle tone of voice. "Goodbye, Dad." Anaksu says calmly. I hang up and walk back over to the ambulance. The little girl looks at me and Tuskauchi agrees to drive me to my agency. I explain to the little girl that she'll be coming to stay with me and she nods her head. I carry the little girl to the police car and we get in. I look out the window and Tsukauchi drives towards my agency.

I sigh and Tsukauchi focuses on the road. The little girl hugs her knees and I know that life can be traumatizing for someone so young. Some days I hear Anaksu scream in her sleep and I know that she has been through a lot. I reassure the little girl and she calms down. We arrive and I get out she follows me out. I lead her inside my agency and she is very cautious about my sidekicks. We make it to my office and I see Anaksu sitting on my couch in my hoodie. I look at her passed out on the couch and sigh. "I'm Madara, that one over there is Anaksu, my daughter." I say calmly. She nods her head and I lead her over to a chair and I grab a bucket. I walk into the bathroom fill the water with warm water from my private bathroom and grab a rag along with the first aid kit. I take it back to the office and I wipe some of the soot off of her face. "I'm Akito." She says shyly. I nod my head and she winces. I apologize and continue wiping the soot away. She relaxes and I smile.

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