Chapter 11: Returning to UA High

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Anaksu's POV:
After my healing had kicked in and I was cleared to leave last night my dad decided to escort me to UA. I know how protective my father and when we arrive my father looks at me. "Izuna will pick you up after school." Dad says seriously. I nod my head and he notices my hair getting darker. I leave the car and walk onto the school grounds. Everyone looks at me and I ignore their presence. I make it to class 1-A and as I open the classroom door they all look at me with fear(except Shoto, Bakugo, Midoriya, Denki, Kirishima, Sero, and Mina). I go sit in my seat and look out the window. I yawn and my uncle walks into the classroom. He talks to us about the sports festival but then tells me I'll excluded because of my outburst. I sigh and cross my arms. Being on behavioral probation sucks but it is what it is. He motions me to follow him and I get up. We go to the principal's office and I sigh. My uncle opens the door and we go inside. Nezu has me sit down and I sigh.

The moment I sit down I cross my arms and Nezu calls in the student guidance counselor. "Anaksu, since you had a bit of an outburst during the training trip you will be put on behavioral probation." Nezu says seriously. I nod my head and as soon as the guidance counselor walks into the office I notice that it's not an ordinary school guidance counselor. Nezu has the counselor use their telepathic powers to figure out my triggers and the guidance counselor sits beside me and has me lean back against the couch. I sit back and the blonde-haired woman touches the sides of my head. Suddenly my eyes roll back as she filters through my memories and the more she filters through them she reaches the restricted area of my mind. As she tries to access the forbidden section of my memories my telepathic powers kick in unconsciously and the guidance counselor goes flying into a wall. My uncle notices that my eyes have turned an amber gold. Nezu looks at me and suddenly my nightmare quirk activates against Nezu. Uncle Shota erases my quirks and I fall unconscious.

Shota's POV:
After erasing my niece's quirks she falls into full unconsciousness and Nezu looks at her with shock. "Put a quirk canceling cuff on her she is not just a danger to us but to herself." Nezu says seriously. I look at my niece and sigh before putting a single cuff on her. "I'm going to call Izuna to pick her up." I say quietly. I go out to the hallway and dial Izuna's phone number. The phone rings and Izuna picks up the call. "Hello?" Izuna says seriously. "It's Shota, you need to pick up Akeno." I say seriously. "I will be there in 10 minutes just stay with her." Izuna says seriously. "I won't leave her also a telepathy looked through her memories so she might wake up differently." I say seriously. He hangs up and I walk back inside. Nezu works on some papers and I walk over to my sleeping niece. I hear her crying in her sleep and my heart breaks for what we just subjected her to. I stroke her hair and she calms down. Nezu watches me and I sigh. The Guidance Counselor explains what she saw and I look at my niece. Her eyes open up and I sigh.

Anaksu's POV:
As I wake up my uncle sees the pain in my eyes and I cover my sad in a facade of seriousness. I hug my knees and look away. I notice a quirk-canceling cuff on my right wrist and Uncle Izuna walks into the principal's office. I get up and Uncle Shota removes the cuff. I follow Izuna out of the office and my uncle looks at me. "Are you alright?" Izuna says with concern. "I'm fine." I say emotionlessly even though what I said is a lie. He nods his head knowing that he shouldn't push for the truth and I sigh. We make it down to his car and I get into the back passenger seat. Uncle Izuna looks at me with concern and I stare out the window to avoid any confrontation. He takes me to my father's agency and I feel upset. I cross my arms as I look out the window and my father's agency comes into view. My uncle parks the car and I get out. The spring wind blows through my hair and my uncle leads me inside of my father's agency. I avoid stares from my father's sidekicks and sigh. Izuna opens my father's office and I go inside.

Dad sees me and he notices my mood. He has uncle Izuna leave and I sit on the couch in his office. He walks over to me and sits beside me. I wrap my arms around my knees and dad hugs me. "What happened?" Dad says with concern. "Nezu had a psychic look into my mind." I say quietly. "I'll set up a meeting with the principal." Dad says reassuringly. I nod my head and he sighs. "Rest, I have some patrolling to do but I'll take the rest of the day off." Dad says calmly. I nod my head and he open a door that leads to a spare room. "You can stay in here until I return." Dad says calmly. I nod my head and walk to his secret resting room. I hug my father and he pats my head. I remove my shoes before stepping on the expensive Japanese floor and dad closes the door. I notice a remote and press a button that closes the curtains. I lay down and press another button then turn the temperature of the room down to 30 degrees. I grab my father's hoodie and remove my school uniform. I slip the hoodie on and it goes down to my mid-thighs. I curl up in the bed and cover myself in a blanket. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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