Chapter 9: A Visit From Shoto

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Anaksu POV:
As I sit in the hospital bed fully healed I read a book and the door opens up. I look at the doorway and Shoto walks into the room. I take notice that he has a get-well basket along with some flowers and he sets it on the table at the end of the bed. "How are your injuries?" Shoto says calmly. "They healed up on their own but I'm sure that I have more scars on my body from the fight." I say quietly. "What exactly happened?" Shoto says seriously. "Well, you know how I have been kidnapped, that man who attacked the USJ, his master has been trying to turn me into a villain." I say quietly. His eyes widen in shock and I look at him. He sits on the chair and I put my book on the table beside me. The doctor walks into the room and checks some of the injuries that are taking a bit longer to heal. I sigh and she checks my face. Shoto notices a scar where my left eye is and I feel a deep shame fill me. The door has me try to open my left eye and I carefully open it.

I sigh and the doctor notices that my left eye has been damaged. I can't even see out of it so I'm now blind in one eye. That doctor writes down some notes and the door opens to reveal my father with a bag of clothes. He puts them on the bed and looks at me. He notices my left eye and his eyes widen in shock. The doctor along with my father go talk in the hallway and Shoto walks over to me. "It's awful isn't it." I say quietly. "Anaksu, maybe they can find a way to fix it and if they can't there is no shame in having a scar." Shoto says reassuringly. I nod my head and he just sits on the edge of my bed. I look at Shoto with my only good eye and he moves my hair out of my face. "If you need help with anything just call me." Shoto says calmly. I nod my head and the door to the room opens back up. My father walks into the room and I look at my father. My father sighs and he walks over to me but he looks upset.

"What's wrong?" I say quietly. "They want to do an eye transplant on you and there is a 50% chance that you could lose your entire eye." Dad says seriously. "How long do we have until we come to a decision?" I say quietly. "About 5 minutes." Dad says quietly. I nod my head and sigh. Shoto leaves and I run a hand through my hair. "You don't have if you don't want to." Dad says reassuringly. "I already can't see out of my left eye so let's do the procedure." I say quietly. He nods his head and goes to inform the doctor. I look at the basket that Shoto brought along with the flowers and then I remember the kiss from yesterday. Dad walks into the room and I feel nervous. "I'll be here just relax." Dad says reassuringly. I nod my head and the doctor walks in. She orders a couple of nurses to move me to the operating room in a wheelchair since I am still physically healing and I look at my hair. I notice a strand of completely black hair. They help me onto the operating table and they work on knocking me out with anesthesia.

Madara's POV:
As my daughter is taken away for her procedure I sit in the chair next to the hospital bed and reach into my laptop bag. I log into my laptop and look at my e-mails. I look at a few and notice an e-mail from someone in the Uchiha clan back in Konoha. I open it up and it seems that their son is transferring to UA so they want me to look after him. I sigh and guess that it won't be a problem. I thought about relocating the clan to Musutafu or a forest outside of Musutafu. I work on some files and the door opens up. I see Shota and he sighs. "Where is she?" Shota says with confusion. "She is having an emergency eye transplant." I say quietly. He nods his head and sits on the chair beside me. I notice the bandages wrapped around his arms and face and he looks out of the window. "How injured is she?" Shota says quietly. "Honestly, she was in critical condition last night." I say quietly. He nods his head and I think about my daughter's health. I sigh and Shota looks at me.

"So what were her injuries?" Shota says quietly. "Damaged organs, an injured eye, and a few scars." I say quietly. He nods his head and I work on looking at some files for an upcoming mission. Shota sighs and the door to the room opens up. I see that they brought my daughter back and her left eye is covered. "So how did the procedure go?" I say quietly. "We were able to replace the eye but once it fully heals we'll give her an eye examination." Dr. Yukimura says seriously. I nod my head and he leaves the room. Shota sighs and I look at my daughter. She remains asleep and I know that she'll be in pain when she awakens. I get a message from my agency and pack up my stuff. I write a note for Anaksu and I cover my daughter in another blanket. I grab my laptop bag and make my way to the door. I look back at my sleeping daughter and hope that she is okay. I leave the room and go on my way.

Shota's POV:
After Madara leaves I look at my niece resting in the bed and the door opens to reveal Hizashi. "Shouldn't you be resting in bed." Hizashi says seriously. "I needed to check on my only niece." I say quietly. Hizashi sits beside me and I relax. After a while of sitting in my niece's hospital room, Hizashi takes me back to my hospital room even though I would rather be home in bed with my cat. I sit in the hospital bed and Hizashi looks out the window. I think about my niece's future as a hero and know that it might be impossible for her to reach. I lay down in the hospital bed and fall asleep.

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