Chapter 14: A Friend Over For Dinner

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Anaksu's POV:
After I awaken from my 3rd nap of the day I brush through my hair and leave my bedroom. I head downstairs and hear a knock I open the front door and see Shoto. "What are you doing here?" I say quietly. "I brought your homework/classwork that you missed." Shoto says quietly. I take the packet and invite him inside my house. I go into the kitchen and Shoto follows me. I see my father cooking and he notices Shoto. "I'll be doing my homework in the library." I say quietly. My father nods his head and I lead Shoto into the library. We sit down at the kotatsu in the library and I grab some pencils. "Sorry, you had to come all this way just to give me my schoolwork." I say quietly. "It's not a problem plus I've been avoiding my father." Shoto says quietly. "Is something going on?" I say with slight concern. "Just my dad's expectations." Shoto says quietly. "If there is a problem don't deal with it alone." I say quietly. He nods his head and I start on my homework. He pulls out his schoolwork and I notice Ayato passing by.

I continue to work on my homework and Shoto sighs. I speed through my work and Shoto is still working. I get up and Shoto looks at me. I walk over to a bookshelf and look for a book to read.

Shoto's POV:
As I do my homework I catch a glimpse of Anaksu looking for a book and when she turns towards me after picking out a book. I blush and continue my homework but the whole I am working I feel my heart racing in my chest. I hear her giggle and a wave of nervousness takes over. I focus on my homework and she sits down to read. Her hangs over her shoulders and she is so focused on her book. "Dinner is ready." Mr. Uchiha says sternly. I put my stuff away since I have finished my homework and we go to the dining room. We sit down and Anaksu seems calmer when she isn't in school or around others in general. I smell spices and look at the bowls of food. I noticed that it is a hot dish but I have to move on from my trauma of getting burned.

Anaksu eats the food and I cautiously grab a spoon. I scoop up the food and blow on it before eating it. "Shoto, are you okay?" Anaksu says calmly. "Yeah, just very cautious of hot things." I say calmly. "Um, is it because of your burn?" Anaksu says quietly. "Yeah, but I don't talk about it and I'm not ready to talk about what happened?" I say quietly. "You'll tell me when you feel ready to discuss it." Anaksu says calmly. I nod my head and I'm glad that she is so understanding. I know about her story but I'll tell her soon. I finished eating my food and the meal was good. I'm proud that I tried some new food and maybe someday I'll learn to like hot foods. Anaksu's brothers talk amongst themselves and Mr. Uchiha quietly eats. It was peaceful here but I knew Anaksu had been through a lot especially lately. I'm a bit jealous of her but I push those feelings away. Anaksu pushes her empty bowl to the side and her father sighs. Mr. Uchiha takes the dirty dishes to the kitchen and Anaksu gets up. I walk with her and head to the front door to leave her house.

Anaksu's POV:
As I lead Shoto to the door he looks at me and I feel my heart beating fast. "I see you around." Shoto says quietly. I nod my head and he walks away. I close the door and walk up to my room. I remove my father's hoodie and change into some shorts along with a black tank top. I walk into my private bathroom and go through my teeth-cleaning routine. I look at my reflection and sigh when I look at the scars covering my body. I watch into my room and turn on the fan. I lay down on my bed and turn the lights off with a remote. 

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