Chapter 4: Shoto Todoroki

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Anaksu's POV:
As I wake up from my nap I walk toward the private bathroom and notice that it is full of bathroom supplies. I remove my clothes and toss them into the hamper. I take a shower and it's been a long time since I have had a hot shower. I wash my body with lavender-scented body wash and rinse off. As my hair with lavender hair products and think about a few things. I rinse off and when I am done I dry off and walk to my bedroom closet. I notice some clothes in my size and slip on some leggings along with a T-shirt. I find an unused hair brush and brush through my hair. I hear a knock and open the door. I see my father and he stands there awkwardly. "Do you need something?" I say quietly. "I'm heading to the grocery store do you want to come?" Dad says calmly. I nod my head and he hands me a coat to temporarily use since it is big on me. I walk to the front door and slip on my shoes. We go out to the car and drive to the supermarket.

I sit in the passenger's seat and dad looks at me. I relax and soon the car pulls into a parking lot. He parks the car and we get out. I walk with my father and we make it inside the store. Dad pushes a cart and we go through the produce aisle. "So what fruits do you want?" Dad says calmly. "I want strawberries." I say quietly. He nods his head and I walk around the store. Our cart accidentally hits someone else's cart and then I see Fuyumi and her little brother who has bandages on him. They recognize me and I rub the back of my neck. Dad notices my discomfort and we pull the cart to the side. "How did you find her?" Fuyumi says quietly. "I didn't find her she escaped on her own and went to the police." Dad says quietly. I look at Shoto's burn and he looks at my bruises. I follow my father away from them but I still feel Shoto's eyes lingering on me. After only meeting him once in my childhood we are still strangers to each other. I sigh and dad looks at me with concern in his eyes.

"Anakdu if this is too much we can just leave and I can do the shopping later." Dad says reassuringly. "No, I need to readjust to being out again and I can't keep hiding." I say quietly. He nods his head and we grab different noodle varieties. "Did they ever feed you?" Dad says with concern. "No, not really but there was an old boy who would end up sneaking sandwiches to me that would only happen every other day." I say quietly. He nods his head and I look at the rice cakes. I grab 3 packs of them and my father pats my head. He lets make get some pudding and I just get the chocolate-flavored pudding. My father picks out a few more things and we get in line but Shoto and his sister are behind us. Dad pays for the groceries and I follow him out of the grocery store. We make it to the car and put the groceries into the trunk. I get into the passenger's seat and buckle myself in. Dad starts the car and pulls the car out of the parking lot. I look out the window and relax.

I still worry that All For One would send someone after me and I know that he threatened to kill everyone that I care about. I look at my father and he focuses on the road. The light ahead turns red and my father stops in front of a crosswalk. People cross the street and the light turns green. My father continues to drive us home and I think about my future. I sigh and my father notices the change in me. We make it home and my father parks the car. I get out as soon as the car is not moving and take some groceries into the house. I set the groceries on the counter in the kitchen and dad walks in with the rest. "Go relax I'll put the groceries away." Dad says calmly. I nod my head and he smiles at me. I go to the living room and lay on the couch. I remove the coat and look at the fresh bandages on my arms. I sigh and remember the many times I just felt like ending everything even the urge to cut lingers. I sigh and my father walks into the living room with pudding.

He looks at me and hands me the pudding. I eat it and dad sits beside me. "So what happened to you when you were gone." Dad says quietly. "They just would overwork me with my quirks but when I didn't meet their expectations I would receive injuries from them." I say quietly. "What about your arms?" Dad says with concern. I sigh and unwrap the bandages from my left & right arms. His eyes widen at the deep cuts and I feel anxiety building up in me. "Anaksu did you do this to yourself?" Dad says with concern. "I...I tried stopping bur the thoughts in my head only grew." I say sadly. He hugs me and I just break down into tears. He holds me cold and tries to calm me down by stroking my hair. I yawn and my father carries me to my room. He lays me on my bed and look at him tiredly. He goes to leave but I grab his hand and whisper for my father to stay. He stays with me and sits on the bed. Exhaust takes over and I fall asleep.

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