Chapter 3: Safe

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Anaksu POV:
After being kidnapped over 5 years ago a lot has changed. I'm now 7 years old and have been going through intense training, so I have awoken many quirks at only the age of 2. I train in the training room with my quirks and wonder if my father is still looking for me. "Anaksu focus." All For One says seriously. I focus on summoning some weapons and cough up blood when I overuse it. All For One sighs in disappointment and I feel my body starting to regenerate. I glare at All For One and my Sharingan activates. He lets me go off to the room that I am staying in and I wish my father would find me. I sit down on the bed and I seal the metal door with my ice quirk. I cut out the tracker from my arm and then regenerate my skin. I teleport away and find myself a few blocks away from a police station. I head inside and they look at me. "Do you need something?" A policeman says with concern. I nod my head and they lead me to the interrogation room.

The policeman looks at me and I sigh. "So what is your problem?" A man with a cat head says quietly. "I was kidnapped over 5 years ago by a villain and all I want is to see my father." I say quietly. "Okay, what is your name?" He says calmly. "I'm Anaksu Uchiha, age 7, and my birthday is November 17th, 2997." I say quietly. He nods his head and smiles at me. "I'm Tamakawa and I'll call your father's agency." He says calmly. I nod my head and the other cop looks at me. "I'm Tsukauchi." The man with black hair says calmly. I nod my head and Tamakawa returns. "Your father is in town so he'll be here shortly. I nod my head and nervously sit here. Tamakawa hands me a bottle of water along with a bag of Cheetos and I take a sip of the water. We go wait in the lobby and when my father enters his eyes widen at the sigh me. I hug him and he holds me close. He speaks to the police and then guides me to his car. It feels good to see my father after such a long time and he lets me sit in the front.

"Anaksu are you okay?" Dad says with concern. "I'm fine I just am ready to go home." I say quietly. "Well, that's the thing we now like in Musutafu because after you were kidnapped I couldn't stop looking for you." Dad says calmly. I nod my head and he focuses on the road. We pull up to a big house and dad looks at me. We get out of the car and he opens the door. We walk inside and I hear quick footsteps. I see my brothers and they pull me into a group hug. "We missed you." Akumu says protectively. I relax and then my Uncle Izuna pushes them away and hugs me. They take me to the living room and I sit on a chair. Dad stands in the doorway and I get up. He looks at me and I hug him. Uncle Izuna takes my brothers to his house and dad sighs. "Anakzu what happened during these last 5 years?" Dad says quietly. "He wanted me to be a villain." I say quietly. He nods his head and we go to the living room. I lean against my father and he pats my head.

Madara's POV:
I look at my daughter and I'm glad to have her back. It was hard on the family but I knew that working with Endeavor was the biggest mistake that could ever happen. I look at my daughter and she has multiple scars on her. Her stomach growls loudly and slightly anger fills me. She must have been eating less which explains why she looks malnourished. I go to the kitchen and make a bowl of soup. I pull out an old family recipe and before I get started I put my hair up into a ponytail. I chop up some onions mushrooms, and garlic, and I pull out a pot. I cook the ingredients in olive oil for a bit and then add some chicken broth to the pot and blend up the onions, mushrooms, and garlic until it is smooth. I look at the shelf of spices and grab salt, pepper, turmeric, and curry powder. I place the spices onto the counter and go grab the soy sauce. I put a half cup of soy sauce into the soups and stir the food around. I add the seasonings and Anaksu walks in.

I add some heavy cream to the soup and Anaksu watches me cook. I put some leftover pulled pork into the soup and grab a bag of tortellini which I always have imported from the specialized Italian store. I cook the tortellini in a pot of water and pull out two bowls. Once the tortellini are done I set them aside in a bigger bowl and Anaksu looks at the food. I put some tortellini into each bowl then use a ladle to scoop some soup into the bowls and Anaksu watches me. I make sure that there is enough pork in each bowl and then grab a cucumber, some cheese, and chili oil. I put down the cheese first and place the bowl into the microwave so that the cheese will melt. I cut the cucumbers into slices and the microwave beeps. I pull out the bowls and set them back on the counter. I put chili oil on top of the cheese and then the cucumber slices as well. I place a bowl in front of my daughter with some chopsticks and she looks nervous. "If you can't finish it I'll settle it aside for later." I say calmly. She nods her head and starts eating.

I sit next to my daughter and eat the meal in the bowl. I would usually make pork dumplings with the soup but since it takes too much time to prepare I decided on just adding some pulled pork and tortellini to the soup. I look at my daughter and she only gets halfway through the bowl but I can tell that she doesn't look so well. "It's okay, just go rest." I say calmly. She gets up and I put her food in a container and put a sticky note on it with her name. I put the rest of the soup into a container along with the tortellini and I pick up the container. I put it into the refrigerator and then shut the refrigerator. I hear a knock at the front door and make my way into the hallway. I grab the handle of the door and open the door up. I see Endeavor and glare at him. "What do you want?" I say quietly. "I heard that your daughter is back." Endeavor says seriously. I sigh and shut the door. I run a hand through my hair and make my way up to my room.

I lay down on my bed and think about how I'm to help my daughter. I look at the photo of my wife wearing a kimono from our wedding and it's crazy how my daughter looks like her. I worry for my daughter after all she is my only daughter and I just want to help her move on from the past. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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