Chaper 10: Avoiding His Father

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Shoto's POV:
After visiting Anaksu I walk around the city and walk around instead of going straight home. I look at my surroundings and make sure to be cautious be villains always lurk around in disguise. I walk through a few crowded areas and people go on with their day. I walk home and when I get their. I sneak up to my room and start filling a bag with some clothes as well as my piggy bank of money. I don't like staying home and my secret job supports me. I get a place to stay for the night and I get to avoid the man that is my father. I leave through the window and head to work. I pull my hood up and walk down the street. I make it to Choi's Bakery and Mrs. Choji smiles at me. "How are you?" Mrs. Choi says calmly. "I'm fine." I say calmly. She pats my head and I put on an apron. I work on making a cake and Mrs. Choi smiles. The Choi family has been very nice to me and they know about my complicated family history. I like working here and it's quite peaceful.

Mr. Choi sees me and smiles at me. "So how is UA lately?" Mr. Choi says calmly. "It's going fine, but yesterday while on a class training trip, we got attacked by villains." I say quietly. They nod in understanding and I mix up the batter. I make a Chocolate Cherry Molten Lava Cake and Mrs. Choi smiles at me. When I met Mr. And Mrs. Choi I didn't know how to bake anything but after learning I noticed that its fun cooking. They treat me as though I am their grandchild and honestly, I feel comfortable around them. Someday I might bring Anaksu here because I'm sure that she would like it. I pour the batter into the baking dish and Mrs. Choi smiles at me. While waiting for the cake I make some chocolate pandas and Mr. Choi makes some chocolate sculptures. Mrs. Choi packs some orders and I help her out with it since she sometimes makes mistakes. I tie a bow around the boxes and label the orders with each client's name. A few middle schoolers walk in and I grab a notepad to take some orders. Mrs. Choi smiles and I prepare the customers' drinks and meals.

After my shift, Mrs. Choi gives me my payment which is in cash and I thank her before leaving. Mr. and Mrs. Choi always invite me to stay but I don't want to be much of a burden. As I walk around, I notice a few girls following me and it makes me a little uncomfortable. I go into a convenience store and look at some items. I grab a pack of Buldak Creamy Carbonara along with a bowl of cheesy Buldak Noodles and I pick up some sesame seed, shredded cheddar cheese, some seaweed, and a little bit of some heavy cream. I pay for everything and then prepare my meal in the cooking area. I notice the girls who were stalking me walk into the store and I just take my hot meal and go on my way. I head to the nearby park and eat my food at a picnic table. I feel my phone vibrate and it's Fuyumi. I sigh and know that dad will be home soon but I don't want to be there when he is home. I don't trust him and I know a few places where I can stay the night.

I toss the empty bowl away. I get up and walk to an inn a few blocks away from UA. The owner lets me have a room for free and I just do my nightly routine. I think about a few things and the crash into the bed. As I hit the bed my eyes closed and sleeps pulls me in.

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