Chapter 20: Getting Strawberry Milk Tea With Shoto

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Anaksu POV:
As I wake up my phone rings and I sigh. I tap the answer button and put it to my ear. "Hey, do you want to get milk tea?" Shoto says calmly. "Sure, but I'll message you my address so we can walk together." I say quietly. "See you soon." Shoto says calmly. I text him my Uncle Shota's address and brush through my hair. I head to the bathroom and do an ultra scrubbing of my teeth. I walk out of the bathroom and put on some socks. I grab my wallet, phone, and keys and leave the room. I head to the front door and slip on my black and gold shoes. I walk out of my uncle's house and sit on the steps. I sigh and Shoto appears before me. He holds out his hand to me and I take his hand into my hand. He helps me up and notices a change in my behavior. He holds my hand and we walk down the street but I have my mask on so that others don't recognize me. I sigh and Shoto notices a sad hidden within my black eyes as we walk to the cafe.

The moment we get there Shoto opens the door for me and I walk into the cafe. We go to the order kiosk both of us get strawberry milk tea with some croissants, cream cheese & salmon. We wait for our orders and Shoto holds my hand. I look at him and he grabs our meal and we walk over to a table in the corner of the cafe. I sit down and he sits right next to me. "So I heard about what happened at your house." Shoto says quietly. "Yeah, my brother was killed by a villain in my room." I say quietly. Shoto hands me one of the strawberry Milk Teas and I take a sip of it. "If you need anything just message me." Shoto says reassuringly. I nod my head and he hugs me. "How was visiting your mom?" I say quietly. "It went well." Shoto says calmly. We eat some of the croissants and I take my time with eating. He strokes my hair and I blush. It starts raining and we walk out of the cafe when we're done. I feel the rainwater falling from the sky and sigh.

Shoto holds my hand and the rain pours down fast. Shoto looks at me and I gently squeeze his hand. He walks with me to my uncle's house and when we get there I look at Shoto. "You should come inside and dry off." I say quietly. He walks to the bathroom, and I grab him a towel and robe. I take them to the bathroom and he takes them from me. I go to my room to remove the wet clothes and dry my body off. I put on a black pair of leggings, a hoodie, and a tank top then brush through my hair. I blow-dry my hair and then put my hair into double braids. I grab my hair dryer and head downstairs. Shoto sits on a chair and I work on blow-drying his hair. He yawns and after drying his hair I go put the clothes into the washer. I head to the living room and sit down. "I'll take an hour or 2 until they are done." I say calmly. He nods his head and I put on a movie. Uncle Shota walks into the house and he notices that Shoto is here in a robe.

"Got caught in the storm." Uncle Shota says tiredly. "Yeah, also the water is running." I say quietly. He nods his head and goes to his room. Shadow jumps onto Shoto and I sigh. As we're watching the movie I sigh and Shoto passes out on a chair. My phone vibrates and I look at the message.

"Come meet me at Konoha City."
"Bring a bag of items it might take until Thursday.¨
"Also bring your transportation pass port."

He leaves the message at that and I go upstairs. I grab my backpack and fill it with clothes, a first aid kit, my wallet, chargers, electronics, my passport for trains, buses, and airplanes, and my hygiene kit. I slip on fresh black socks and combat boots and sigh. It's not often I get a call from my brothers but whenever one of them calls I know it means that someone is in danger. I write a letter to my uncle and sigh. Once I'm done I leave it on the guest bed and teleport to the nearby bullet train. I use my transportation passport and know my father will be disappointed that I missed school. I get onto the train and sit next to the exit. I listen to some music and focus on the ride. I yawn and set a timer. I close my eyes and fall asleep. 

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