Chapter 1

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Luffia and her crew had been ambushed by Marines on their way to laughtale. They were merciless and sent all they had at them. They had managed to escape to an island. Where Law, Bonney, and Kid with their crew had also been made to retreat. They had also been ambushed. The navy had followed them to the island.  They then took out all of the crews except for the captains. Luffia had gotten them all to a hidden cave on the island. They stayed hidden until the navy left 4 days later. When they went to find their crew members, they found out that the navy had taken their bodies. Bonney and Luffia hugged each other and cried. Law and Kid were both pissed.

At one point, Law took off to search the island. They had no food and no way off of the island. Kid, who now felt very protective of the girls. Stayed with them in case the navy showed back up. Law showed back up running towards them as he held a small chest. He had an expression of hope, and they didn’t know why. Until he opened the chest and showed them a strange clock like device with a note. It told them that it was a time travel device. But it could only go backward in time. They could even pick the place they wanted to go to if they all thought of the same place at once.

They decided to go back to when Ace had just left the Goa kingdom. Law, Kid, and Bonney all decided to join Luffias crew. They had formed a bond during the 4 days they were trapped in a cave. Law had been Luffias' friend since Dresrosa. Luffia had gained Kids respect, when she took out Kaido. She also more recently took a hit for him. Bonney had been friends with Luffia for years. They came to the conclusion that if they worked together, then they could take out the celestial dragons and free the world. They hadn't had much luck going at it with separate crews. So they used the device and disappeared from the island.

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