Chapter 2

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It had been 3 years since that day. We were on the docks in Fosha village. Loading up the small ship we bought. It was smaller than the Merry, but it would do for now. Bonney was loading up the small kitchen. She hadn't changed appearance wise, looking at how she did at sabody. Kid did as well and was helping Bonney load the kitchen. They had become a couple in the last year. Bonney really mellowed out Kid, too. Kid and Bonney became like my siblings.

Law was loading up the doctors room. Making sure he had what he needed to be the doctor of the ship until they got Chopper. Law looked how he did when I first met him. I kind of wished he had gone for his look during Wano. Law and I were close. I really liked him more than a friend. He had a habit now of always staying by my side.

I was being held captive by Makino in a hug. Law was leaning on a crate, watching me get sweezed. By the look on his face, he looks amused. I glared at him, and he smirked at me.  Makino let go of me, saying goodbye with tears in her eyes. I walked over to Law, who was distracted looking at me. He was taking in the new appearance I was going with.

I had grown my black hair out to my butt. I had some shorter strands to frame my face. I wore a red silk kimino top with flowy sleeves. That I wore loosely with a purple sash. You could see the black bikini top I wore underneath the top. I had on black leather short shorts that you could barely see. Due to how long the kimino top was. I also wore black thigh-high socks with black combat boots.

For the first time, Law looked like he was holding himself back. He kept his distance, and I didn't know why. Bonney passed in front of him to go to the ship. Law looked at her just to look away a second later. Kid was on the ship leaning against the rail, looking down at Law. He had a smirk on his face and let out a chuckle. I just shook my head and boarded the ship. Law and Bonney followed and helped get the sails down.

We left Goa and almost ran into the whirlpool I got caught in last time. We avoided it and almost ran into Alvida ugly ship. I had forgotten how ugly she was. I launched her away and grabbed up Koby. He was so scared at first. I had put him by the mast and just let him be. He watched as we went about our business. Law was on a lounge chair on the deck reading a medical book. Bonney was stearing the ship. Kid was up with Bonney lifting weights as he kept watch of the back of the ship. I was walking around the ship, making sure everything was in order. When I passed by Koby he made a noise and I looked at him. "Um, what do you plan to do with me?" He questioned in a scared voice. He looked afraid of me. I looked at him with a confused expression.

"Do with you?" I said a little offended. "We plan to drop you off at Shells town once we get there. Then it is up to you what you want to do." He looked at me, shocked.

"You helped me?" He questioned, and I nodded.

"I saw how scared you were and knew you weren't part of her crew. That you were forced to work for them." He looked at me in wonder.

"Why?" I smiled at him.

"Because I wanted to help you." I said simply.

"But, you are pirates." He said loudly.

"So." I said and crouched in front of him. "Not all pirates are like Alvida. Some of us just want to be free." I said with a smile. Kid called for me before he could say anything back. "What!" I yelled back, standing up.

"Land, Captain!" Kid yelled, and i bolted up to the wheel where Kid and Bonney were, giggling as i ran. I leaned on the rail and was jumping up and down. Shells town, i would finally get my best friend and first mate back. They all agreed he was the best to be first mate. They didn't want the title or responsibility.

I almost fell over the rail when my hand slipped, but Kid caught me. I looked back at him and laughed. He just shook his head and snickered. I happened to look down and saw Koby standing up looking at me. He looked conflicted but also showed curiosity in his eyes as he looked at me. I smiled at him and soft eyes. I then turned to Kid and Bonney. "Let's dock." I said, and they nodded. Kid went to roll up the sails. Law put down his book and went to the anchor. I dropped it as we got close to the docks.

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