chapter 5

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It was right after we left Orange town. When I told the crew to gather around. I had asked Koby to stand next to me. "We will be starting Koby's training. Zoro." He nodded at me. "He will do weight lifting with you every day."

"Sounds good." Zoro said. Giving Koby a nod, and Koby smiled back.

"Kid, you good with training him in hand to hand?"

"Usually not my thing, but I will do it." Kid said. "Every other day, we will do training." Koby nodded at him.


"I will teach him in navigation." She said happily, and Koby smiled at her. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Bonney, you want to help Kid with hand to hand." She smiled and nodded.

"Alright, you will be lifting with Zoro until he says you are good. Then go around and see if anyone needs help." I said to Koby. We then all split up doing what we wanted. While we sailed to Syrup Village. Nami went to the wheel of the ship. Kid and Bonney went to the kitchen. Law went to the tiny doctors room. While Zoro started Koby on push-ups. I decided to fish, seeing how Bonney went to the kitchen. She would probably eat a bunch of the food.

I ended up ditching the fishing poll to hang out with Nami. She was explaining navigation to me. I was kind of getting some things, but most went over my head. I was just happy seeing Nami happily talking to me. I decided to keep watch while Nami and I talked. I was the first to notice the island we were approaching. "Land!" I yelled. Everyone then stopped what they were doing and joined us by the wheel. I was jumping for joy. We were going to get Ussop finally.

We got the ship as close to the beach as we could and dropped anchor. Law then teleported us all to the beach. I looked around and didn't see Ussop. "About time ypu got here!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I looked up and saw Ussop sitting on the cliff with his legs dangling. I was surprised when he jumped down and landed softly. I smiled and ran over to Ussop. I ended up knocking him over with my running hug. We laughed and hugged each other. He was like a brother to me, and I missed him. "Oh, I am so glad." I said, and we got up. I looked him over, and he looked more like he did after the 2 years of training.  He snickeres and rubs under his nose. "I went back to three years before today." He said in a whisper.

Ussop had been shocked to see Koby and a dog with us. But he quickly got over it, so Koby didn’t notice. We then went to the local pub. We had a good time catching up with him. Until Koby started to space out. He then passed out, and I was super worried. I shook his shoulder, and nothing happened. Then his eyes snapped open unfocused at first. He blinked and looked around. "Where am I." My eyes went wide.

"Koby?" He looked at me, and his eyes widened.

"What is going on? I was in the Marines at this time." He said, confused. I smiled at him.

"This time younger you joined the crew." Zoro said, and Koby looked at him.

"Well, that explains a lot. I'm not going to complain. It was my plan to join." I giggled and hugged him.

"So you finally made it." Nami said with an elbow on the table and her chin resting on her hand.

"Yeah, Vegapunk had to send me back with a different divice, and it wasn't as accurate as the one you used.

"This means we dont have to watch what we say around you now." I said happily, and he nodded. I let go of him, and we continued to eat and talk.

Until Ussop said he was going to talk to Kaya. We were walking along to the manor. "So, I may have told Kaya about coming back from the future." We all looked at him shocked.

"What did she say?" Nami asked.

"Does she think you are crazy?" Zoro asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, at first, yeah. Until she did research about islands in the grandline. I told her stuff only someone who has been there could know. She believed me after that. Also, she wants to join the crew." I was glad she believed him. Ussop loved the girl. I would hate it if she thought he was crazy. I was shocked, however, by her wanting to join the crew. So, was Zoro and Nami. The others looked confused about who Kaya was.

"Kaya is the girl Ussop likes. She was very sick, and Ussop would tell her stories to make her feel better."

"Well, that is sweet of you." Bonney said, bumping her shoulder into Ussop gently. He smiled at her and rubbed his nose.

We made it to the manor and went through Ussop's secret entrance. When we got to the tree that led to the window to Kaya's bedroom. Ussop climed up and knocked. The window opened, and Kaya stuck her head out. She was smiling at Ussop with a soft look in her eyes. "Ussop, I was wondering when you would be coming." Ussop smiled at her and chuckled.

"Yeah, sorry. I was late because my crew finally came." He said and pointed to us. Kaya stuck her head out further and saw us. I waved at her and smiled. Her eyes light up seeing us. I stretched my arm out and grabbed hold of the tree. I launched up and landed gently on the tree branch.

"Hi, Kaya. I'm Luffia. I'm the captain of the crew. It is nice to meet you." I said happily.

"It is nice to meet you too. You are just like Ussop said."

"Oh, and what did he say?" I questioned, looking at Ussop with a side eye. He just smiled as he looked at Kaya.

"He said you were the nicest person he has ever met. He also said you are very loyal to your friends." I smiled real big.

"I hear you want to join the crew." I said, and her eyes sparkled.

"Yes, if you'll have me, that is." I smiled.

"You will have to be trained to fight." Ussop looked at me with a smile.

"I am willing to learn. I also want to become a doctor. So, do you think Chopper would teach me. Ussop said he was the best doctor ever."

"Yeah, he would probably love to teach you. It would also be a good thing to have two doctors on the crew." I looked down at Law, who was leaning against the tree. "Hey, Law." I said, and he looked up. "Would you mind teaching her some stuff until we get Chopper?" I asked.

"Yeah, I don't mind." He said with a smirk. I looked back at Kaya and saw she was smiling.

Then, our conversation was interrupted by Koro. Who was just as mean to Ussop as before. This time, Ussop stayed calm. We were made to leave, and Kaya was upset. We ended up at the cliff side where Koro and his old first mate were going to meet. We waited and overheard their conversation. I had Nami go and tell Kaya what was going on. She was to tell Kaya to play along until his crew showed up tomorrow.

We then went to our ship. I stayed up and let the crew get some rest. In the morning, we gathered up at the top of the hill. Lying in wait for the pirates to show up. Law, however, went to the manor. He was going to help Merry and get Kaya to safety.

The cat ship pulled onto the beach. The crew all jumped off of it and began to run up the beach. Ussop surprised me by being the first one to attack with deadly accuracy. Taking out the weaker crew members with ease. Kid was also fighting with a smile on his face. Nami also joined in smacking people with her staff. Bonney had snuck up behind the hipno guy and made him a child. Zoro and I sat back waiting. Zoro for the two still on the cat ship. I was waiting on Koro to show up.

By the time Koro got to the beach, his crew was all knocked out. He looked pissed as Law teleported next to me with Kaya. Koro pulled out his claw like weapons. He then went to attack us. I smiled as I quickly went behind him faster than he could see. I pulled back my arm and puched him in the back of the head. He collapsed to the ground like a rag doll.

We threw the crew, and captain onto their ship. Bonney turned the first mate back into an adult. I told him to leave, and never come back. He quickly boarded his ship and left. We then went to the manor with Kaya. We saw Merry there with badages. I raised an eyebrow at Law. "By the time I got here. He was already wounded. I stitched and badaged him up before we left." I nodded.

After we had sat down and talked. Kaya and Merry lead us to a dock by the manor. Ussop, Zoro, Nami, and I looked at the familiar ship with happiness. I touched the ship with care and slid my hand over the wood. Merry, I have missed you.

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