Chapter 13

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Sorry for the wait. But it took me a while to get this chapter writen. One more thing before yall read this chapter. I am thinking about having another story on here but can't decide which one I want to write. It is either a smart female Luffy x Zoro. Where i would be starting when she was a kid. Or a story about also a fem Luffy but her mother is the sea itself. Idk the pairing for that one. Might also be Zoro. Anyway tell me what yall think and enjoy the chapter.
It had been a bumpy trip to the capital. Literally, the ride wasn't the smoothest. They had to go across the river. They didn't know why some of the other were panicking about it, Ussop and Chopper. They had Law, who used his powers to teleport them to the other side, Crab and all. Now, they were getting closer to the capital. They started to see the rebel army charging toward the city. As they sped along and got closer to the front of the rebel army, Luffia stood up. "Vivi. You, Bonney, Nami, and Nojiko are going to try to stop them. Make them listen if needed. Nami." Luffia said, and they nodded. They got ready to jump off at the right time.

Once, they landed and stood in front of the rebel army. Vivi and Nojiko wondered what Luffia had meant by Nami, making them listen. "Uh, why did Lu say that, Sis?" Nojiko questioned. Nami just smiled.

"You'll see. First lets see if we can't stop them." Nami said. They then all shouted at them to stop, but they wouldn't. The rebel army got extremely close to them. Nami then pulled out her new climatact. It wasn't as good as the one she had near the end, nor did she have Zues. So this one would do for now. She then spun it around, and mini clouds came out of it. Nojiko looked on, as her sister formed a storm in the sky in no time. Nami then sent up the last one and smirked. "Thunderbolt tempo!" She shouted. Then, the whole army was hit with lightning. Which finally made them stop because they couldn't move. As they all twitched on the ground. Nojiko looked at her sister in shock. She had no idea she had a move strong enough to stop an army. Vivi then walked over to where Koza was on the ground and stood in front of him. "You should have stopped." He looked up at her shocked. He got control over his body and stood up.

"What are you doing, Vivi." Koza short of demanded. He was mad she stopped him. She glared at him, and he wondered when she could make that look.

"You are being deceived by Crocodile. My father has done nothing wrong." Vivi said, and he just glared at her.

"Move aside." He demanded.

"No, we have proof. Nami if you would." Nami stepped forward and brought out the device she used to record Crocodile.

"This is a recorder. We purposefully got captured by Crocodile to find out his plan." Nami said, and Koza glared at her. She played the decive, and by the end of it, he was looking at her with wide eyes. As was the rest of the army, who huddled around to listen. The ones who couldn't hear were told by the others.

"But what about the announcement the king made?" Koza asked.

"That was Mr. 2, Bon clay. He has a devil fruit. Which allows him to transform into anyone he touches." Vivi told him. "He transformed into my father to trick everyone into turning against him. So he could easily take control of Alabasta." Koza then looked to be in thought. Behind him, many of his men were saying how they should take out Crocodile.

"Don't worry about Crocodile. My captain will take care of him. What we need to worry about is the Baroque work agents. We need to take them out expesualy the number agents." Nami said, and Koza nodded.

"We will help. What can we do." He said with a smile. He was kind of happy that the king was still the man he remembered.

"My crew and I will take on the number agents. They are too strong for a normal person. While you and the royal army will pretend to fight. My captain by now should have told Pell what is going on. This will distract the agents and Crocodile, hopefully." Nami said, and Koza looked her over.

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