Chapter 10

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They had gotten to the top of reverse mountain and then sped down it towards Paridise, the first half of the grandline. They all had shivers of excitement. The adventure was now truly starting. They would still have to hold back, but not as much.

The ones who weren't part of the original crew screamed when they saw a gaint mountain. Luffia just started laughing. While the others smiled. "Laboon!" She yelled happily. She launched up onto the figurehead and had the widest smile. She transformed into her Nika form. The second they hit Laboon instead of crashing. Luffia made it so his skin turned into a pillow of sorts. It absorbed the momentum and slightly bounced them off. Luffia turned around with a crazy smile and laughed at her crew. They had all fallen on their asses. She transformed back but still felt wired and jittery. She hopped down, and Kid quickly gotten up and went to turn the ship to the lighthouse.

"Laboon, didn't I say not to be in front of the mountain today." A familiar voice said from the direction of the lighthouse. They all looked over and saw Brooke in all his skeleton and Afro glory.

"Brook!" Yelled all of the original crew happily. They docked the ship and got on land before they all surrounded him. Luffia was simply giggling. She was so happy to see Brook.

They ended up talking to Crocus for a while before a small boat was sighted. They all watched as it got closer. They could hear yelling, and the person was waving their arms. Luffia used her observation haki. The person felt familiar, and Luffias eyes widened. "Vivi!" She yelled, and everyone else was shocked. Luffia stretched her arm out all the way to the boat and held her hand out for Vivi to take. Vivi grabbed hold and laughed as Luffia launched her in their direction. Luffia slowed down the closer she got and gently put Vivi on land. Luffia bear hugged the girl, who returned the hug just as enthusiastic. Vivi had missed her friends, her other family. The rest of the original crew gathered around her.

"How?" Nami asked. "The last we heard of you, your father had been killed, and you disappeared."

"You can thank Koby." She said, pointing at said boy. Who looked sheepish.

"Yeah, i forgot to tell you. I offered Vivi the same deal as the others. She chose to go back, too." Koby said, rubbing the back of his head. Vivi giggled at the boy.

"I decided to come back because this time, I will be joining the crew." Vivi said. Luffia jumped up into the air happily.

"Yes, this is going to be so awesome." Luffia said as she ran around. Vivi and the rest of the crew minus Law, Bonney, and Kid looked at Luffia weirdly.

"Uh, what is up with her?" Vivi asked.

"She used her awkened form is what happened. She had to, so we didn't crash into Laboon. After, though, she ends up wired and jittery." Kid said. Law used his powers to teleport Luffia over his shoulder. She wasn't shocked and just hung there. She was able to see Vivi and smiled.

They then had a nice lunch, cooked by Sanji. They talked to Crocus, who knew about them coming to the past thanks to Brook. Who told him the whole story. He had been shocked at what had occurred. He was also glade he was told. He was happy someone was keeping Rogers dream alive and fighting for the people of the world. Crocus looked at Luffia who was happily eating her fill. He actually got to meet the next Joyboy and had briefly gotten to see her awakened form. It had been something else. He only wish Roger had gotten to meet her.

Brook then told them of the plan they had. Crocus was going to join them, sort of. Laboon wanted to go with Brook. So Crocus was going to go with but on the island he set up inside of Laboon. He wanted to still take care of the whale. If needed he would be a doctor to the crew. So they helped him get what was left packed up and in his island home. They also set up a direct snail from the island to the ship. So they could have constant communication. They then set sail toward Castus island.

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