Chapter 8

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So i haven't been writing because i just got out of a 4 year relationship and am doing ok now. If you haven't read the updates chapters 6 and 7 with Killer added in, then go back. Also, i  realized  part of chapter 2 was deleted, so i fixed that as well. I know yall been waiting for this chapter, so here it is. Hope yall like it.

All hell broke lose when Arlong ordered his men to attack. Kid and Killer were the first to charge forward with devilish smiles. If Killer didn't wear a helmet, you would be able to see his smile. Hachi went to attack, and Zoro stepped in. His goal is to knock him out. At the same time, Ussop randomly pulled his slingshot back and let go. Hitting the weird lip fishman in the face. Who had been getting an attack ready. A second after, Arlong launched forward towards Nami. "I will teach you not to disrespect me, little girl!" Arlong yelled. Law drew his sword in an instant and blocked the attack with a smirk on his face. "We don't." He said as he slowly looked up.

"Think so." Luffia said as she lanched up over Law to punch Arlong in the jaw with a jet bullet. She flipped and landed gracefully on her feet in front of Law. Arlong was holding his dislocated jaw and slowly turning his head to the girl. His neck had severe whip lash from the force of her punch. If he had been a normal person, she would have twisted his head around. If he could be pissed off more, he would be. There was no way a human could beat him.

Despite the pain, he attacked Luffia. She quickly kicked him in the gut. Sending him flying into the ugly building.  Luffia ran towards him, and he had barely gotten up when she upper cut his jaw. Sending him hurtling up through all the floors and out the top of the roof. Arlong had fallen and crashed down onto the concrete around the pool. Everyone held their breath as they waited for him to get back up. He however didn't and Law went to check his pulse. When he found none, he smiled. He announced that Arlong was dead. Everyone cheared until the building clasped. No one saw Luffia, so they assumed she was still in the building.

They were about to go find her when she appeared next to Law. "Well, that was boring." She said, and Kid walked up next to her. With Killer following behind.

"I agree. Can we go to the grandline yet, or do we have another stop?" Kid said grumpy.

"We can't even get a decent gage of our skill." Said Killer boredly

"Well, it is Logtown next. Then to the grandline!" Luffia said happily. All of the crew smiled. The original crew were really happy they would be seeing Brooke and Vivi soon. Law couldn't wait to get to Drum Kingdom and see Bepo.

When the dust settled, all the people went to tell those who hadn't come about Arlong's fall. While Gin, Kaya, and Nojiko looked on in shock. Gin couldn't even keep up with how fast Luffia was. He could barely see her some time. Kaya, however, couldn't even see Luffia move. All she saw was Arlong getting thrown around by an invisible force.

Kaya, seeing how strong Luffia was, inspired her. She wanted to defend herself like Luffia. Even though Lu was a girl and was supposed to be weaker than a man. She didn't let it stop her. She was able to crush anyone she came across. Kaya envied her confidence and strength. She wanted to be like her.

Gin, on the other hand, was glad he joined this crew. He hadn't told anyone, but his dream was adventure. He loved going to new islands and fighting strong enemies. It was probably why he joined them. Luffia was like him, and she probably saw it in him. The spark of wanting to do something more. He hadn't liked killing innocent people under Krieg. With this crew, he knew they would never ask that of him. This crew may be pirates and crazy, but they would save people before they harmed them. A crazy liberating pirate crew that loves adventure was the perfect crew for him.

Nojiko was also extremely shocked at how strong and loyal this crew was. She could tell they would do anything for their friends. Their strength also impressed and inspired her.  She smiled at the crew who were talking to her sister happily.

The islanders threw a big party for the strawhat pirates. Luffia was at a table with Law next to her. Eating a gaint amount of meat. Kid was on the other side of the table with his own mountain of meat. Zoro and Killer weren't far away drinking all of the booze. Gin was at their table, too, enjoying the booze. Sanji and Bonney were cooking. Turns out Bonney is a really good cook. Ussop was telling stories that actually happened. Kaya was with the other people listening to his story. Chouchou was running around with his new little scarf. It had the strawhat jolly roger on it. Ussop had made him it. He was happily getting snacks and petts from the islanders.

After Lu had finished with her food and the music started. She went around dancing with the others around the gaint bonfire. She pulled people onto the dance floor and brought joy to all those around her. She was laughing and dancing with the people. The islanders who looked on were smiling and clapping to the music. They liked Luffia, she was a kind and happy person.

She was now dancing with some kids. They were all giggling and holding hands. Law looked on with a smile. He wasn't one for dancing, but he did like watching Lu dance. She was so joyous and free.

He was about to go get a drink, but a hand on his stopped him. He looked over and saw luffia smiling at him. He just shook his head no. He knew she wanted to dance with him. The band started to play a slow song, and her smile got bigger, if possible. He just shook his head no again. She slumped a little and gave him the puppy dog eyes. She started to pull him towards the dance floor. He dug his heels in, but she was freakishly strong for a girl. He figured it was better to go along with her. She happily dragged him to the dance floor. She turned towards him and wrapped her arms around his torso. He chuckled at her and wrapped his arms around her. They started to sway to the music. He loved the feeling of her in his arms.

Luffia snuggled into Law and sniffed him. She loved how he smelled of the sea and his forest body soap. She relaxed into him and sighed. She heard him chuckle, and she smiled. They stayed like that until the music stopped and Luffia got dragged away by Nami. He wasn't going to get in the orange haireds way.

Luffia was pulled all the way to where Nami's mothers grave was. Nojiko was already there waving at them. Nami stopped and let go of Luffia. Lu looked at them confused. "What is up?" Lu asked. Nami and Nojiko shared a look and smiled. Nojiko stepped forward a bit.

"I want to join your crew." Nojiko said.

"You don't mind being a pirate?" Lu asked with one raised eyebrow and a small smirk. Nojiko smiled at her and had a look of determination.

"No, Nami and I talked for a while. I was shocked you were pirate's at first. Becauses if you like helping people it didn't make sense to me that you were pirates. I asked Nami why you weren't in the navy, because they help people. Then she told me about how the navy worked. I am honestly disgusted." She said raising her hand up with an open palm. "Then she told me about your dream. I want to help." She said with a spark in her eyes. Luffia gave a huge smile.

"Welcome to the crew." Nojiko smiled. This was the best day of her life. She would finally do something she wanted to do. "One thing though. You will be an apprentice to one of the crew members. You get to pick though and i would go based on your fighting style." Nojiko put her hand on her chin. She know she didn't like swords, so Zoro and Law were out. She didnt know how the others fought though.

"Well i prefer a mix of punshing and kicking. I also haven't seen the rest of the crew fight. So i dont know who to choose." Nojiko said. Nami just smiled and looked a Luffia.

"If thats your style then Luffia would be best. Fair warning though she grew up on an island that had huge animals that she fought everday. So her training is a bit extreme." Nami said. Luffia just giggled. Nami shook her head at her almost insane captain. Nojiko looked between them and then looked only at Luffia. Nojiko eyes light up with wonder.

"You fought gaint animal as a kid?" Nojiko asked, and Luffia nodded. "That sounds awesome." She said. Nami looked surprised but laughed. Luffia and Nojiko sat down, and Lu told her about her childhood. Nojiko listened and was shocked at how strong she was as a kid. Nami looked on with a smile. Yep, Luffia now had an apprentice.

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