Chapter 11

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They now had made it to Alabasta. After a run in with mister 3 of course. Who only met the ones of the crew he did last time. The others stayed hidden. Better the enemy think they don't have many crew members. Also Robin in her typical fashion had snuck aboard the ship in Drum. She had wanted to surprise them with something she used to do. They had docked and made their way to the first town, Alubarna. Smoker, Tashigi, Gin, Kaya, Chouchou, Nojiko, Bepo and Koby stayed on the ship. While the rest of the crew went to get supplies. Law, Kid, Killer and Zoro went with Luffia to find her brother.

They found him at a pub with his face in his food, asleep. Luffia shook her head and chuckled. She went and stood right next to him. She got close to his ear. "Hey, Ace!" She yelled. He jumped and landed on his ass on the floor. He looked up and was shocked to see an older vesion of his sister standing over him. He blinked as he took in her appearance. She had changed a lot since he last saw her. No more was the tomboy little sister he knew. He got up and bear hugged her. She giggled as she hugged him back. "It is nice to see you, bro." She said.

"Same to you, sis. Nice to see you finally joined me on the grandline." They let go of eachother. Ace looked at the four guys that were standing behind Luffia. "Who might they be?" He asked her.

"This is Zoro, he is my first mate and a swordsman. He uses three swords." She said and pointed at the green haired man. Zoro nodded his head at Ace. "This is Kid. He has a devil fruit and is one of the strongest fighters on the crew." Kid also nodded at Ace. "This is Killer. I'm Thinking of making him our master of arms." Kid looked at her real fast. He hadn't expected that. But he could see why. When it came to training he could teach. While most of the crew didn't have the patients for it. He had been surprised that Luffia had an apprentice.   Before she was to immature and would have sucked as a teacher. Now though he noticed a change in her since he joined. "And this is Law. He also has a devil fruit and is the surgeon of the crew." Law like the others nodded. He was more nervous than the others though. He was dating the guys sister after all and wasn't to sure how he would react.

After a while they were walking back to the ship. When Baroque works agents surrounded them. They didn't stop and fought them off as the went. They hadn't slowed them down one bit. They made it to the ship, which was on the move with the rest of the crew on board. Luffia grabbed hold of the mast with an streatched out arm. She wrapped her other arm around the four guys. Then launched herself and the others to the ship. She landed first gracefully on her feet. Then carefully put the guys down on the deck. She looked at them and noticed that Ace wasn't with them. She looked around and he jumped up from the side of the ship. "Had to get my boat, before we left." She smiled and went over to him as he sat on the rail. "Everyone I would like you to meet my brother Ace." The whole crew was a mix of saying hi and waving or nodding at him. Ace was shocked at how many people she had and some weren't even human.

"Hi, I'm Nami. Im the navigator." She said.

"I'm the mighty Ussop. I'm the sniper." He said puffing out his chest.

"I'm sanji. Im the cook." He said as he lit a cigarette.

"I am Chopper. I am the ships doctor." He said cutely. Ace was shocked he was a doctor. But he has seen some pretty strange shit in the grandline.

"I am Brook. Im the musician." He said taking his hat off and bowing. Now this was just werid. A talking skeleton. Ace just blinked at him. He shrugged and just thought 'leave it up to Luffy. To have the strangest crew.'

"I'm Nojiko. Im Luffia's apprentice. She is training me to fight." Ace looked at Luffy shocked. She just smiled and looked to her crew.

"I am Robin. I am an archeologist."  She said.

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