chapter 12

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They were now were docked and Luffia had gone up against the kung fu dugong. Gaining them a disciples like she did last time. They loved the girl who would give them affection and training. Ace and the rest of her crew just chuckled at her. They had to pull her away from them. She had asked them to watch her ship as they were pulling her away. They gave her a salute as she disappeared from sight. The straw hat pirates were now trekking through the desert in attire appropriate for the desert heat. Sanji hadn't been left to get clothes this time. After last time they didn't trust him to get clothes. Also poor overheated Bepo was being pulled on a sled with cho

After a while, they ended up at a rock that provided some shade. They stopped and took a break. Law leaned up against the rock, which was actually pretty cool on the shaded side. He slid down to sit. Luffia came skipping over to him. She plopped down next to him and sighed at the coolness of the rock. She smiled as she scooted closer to him and put her arms around his left arm. Her head rested on his shoulder as she relaxed. Law looked down at her and smiled.

Then, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He looked around and saw Ace glaring at him. He gulped and nudged Luffia. She looked up at him and saw he wasn't even looking at her. She looked where he was and saw her brother. "Luffia." Ace said, and Luffia gulped. "What is going on between you two?" He questioned with a forced small smile. She let go of Law and got up.

"Law is my boyfriend, Ace." Ace just kept the smile and looked at Law. Law gulped and felt the need to move. He dodged out of the way as a fire ball hit where he had been sitting. Law looked at Ace with wide eyes. He then had to dodge way more fire balls.

"How dare you. She is an innocent little girl." Ace said as he went to kick Law with fire added to it. Law blocked him with his sword and narrowed his eyes.

"She is a lot older than you think." Law said as he blocked a fist aimed for his head. On the side lines Luffia smacked her forehead with her hand. The rest of the crew thought it was funny. Even smoker was smirking at the poor guy.

"Doesn't matter she is my little sister." Ace said as he kept attacking but Law only blocked. Which was a bit surprising to Ace. Until he saw the armament haki coating the scabbard. He was a little impressed.

"I was her friend long before we ever got together. We were allies before."

"I don't know if you are good enough for my sister." He said and threw a fire ball at Law. Law then teleported behind him a bit away.

"I was there at marine ford." Law said and Ace froze. He turned around and saw Law standing sideways looking at him. His sword resting against his shoulder. As he held it by the sheath. Ace looked at his face, which was hard to read. "My crew and I were the only reason that Lu made it out alive. She was severely wounded and close death. It took me days to stabilize her. I sat by her side the whole time. Through every nightmare and every panic attack. I never admitted this, but i hated myself for not being able to help her more. To take her pain away." He locked eyes with Ace. Ace could see the pain in his eyes. He then smirked. "I had never met a girl that could fight beside me. Most girls can't even fight or hide behind me. When i first met her." He pointed at Lu, who smiled at him. Ace looked between them. He could tell Law really cared for her. Law looked back at Ace who looked at him. "She came crashing into an auction house on a flying fish." Ace tried not to laugh. That was so Lu to do something like that. "She was saving her mermaid friend who was being auctioned off. She had short hair at the time, but she still caught my attention. Then she punched a Celestial dragon." Aces eyes widened and he looked at his crazy sister, who just smirked. He shook his head, she didn't regret it at all. "The auction house got surrounded by marines after that. Ustass, Lu and I all went to take them one. All the while fighting over who would fight the marines. Well it was more like her and I vs Ustass on who fought." Ace chuckled at that. "We ended up all fighting them at the same time. Luffia and I ended up fighting together. Don't know how we were fighting in perfect sync. Since we had just met. I guess we had a connection since day one." Luffia launched at him and hugged him. He spun her around with one arm and looked into her eyes. "She is the only one I see." Luffia smiled at him real wide. Ace walked close to them and they looked at him. He was smiling at them.

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