Chapter 4

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Luffia's POV

It was the next day, and we ended up docked in Orange town. We frowned at the partly destroyed town. I really didn't like Buggy. Bonney decided to stay with the ship. In case the other pirates tried something. The rest of us made our way through town. We were headed to the pet store. Once there I saw Chouchou standing gaurd. I smiled at the do as he growled at me. I crouched down and held out my hand. He looked at me with a head tilt, and I smiled. "It is ok. Im freindly." I said in a motherly voice. The dog then incched closer, sniffing the air as he went. He got close to my hand and sniffed it. I slowly move my hand and rubbed behind his ear. His tail started to wag as I petted him more. He jumped up into my arms and licked my cheek. I giggled and petted him more. I stood up with Chouchou in may arms and went to sit on the porch of the store. I sat down and petted him. "Nami." I said and she looked up from the dog smiling. "You want to steal from Buggy?" I asked her with a smirk.

"You bet." She said, giving a thumbs up.

"Need help?" Zoro asked.

"Nah, I will be faster by myself. I'll come back here when I am done." I nodded and Law sat next to me. Putting his arm around my shoulders. Chouchou growled at him. He smiled at the dog and held out his hand. Chouchou sniffed him and stopped growling. He licked Law's hand and curled up in my lap. Koby sat on my other side. Kid leaned against the post. Zoro sat on the ground in front of me. I smiled, I had missed always having him gaurding me.

Nami came back about 30 minutes later running towards us. I looked behind her and saw 3 of Buggy's goons chasing her. Law who had awakened his devil fruit and no longer needed to us his room. Teleported Nami onto the porch. She squeeked and looked around. She looked at Law with wide eyes, relizing what he did. Zoro stood up and drew a single sword. He disappeared and reappeared behind the 3 men. They dropped a second later, knocked out. Zoro must have used the back of the blade. He walked back and sat down where he was before. "How did you get caught?" I asked Nami looking back at her.

"They were coming into the treasure room as I left. I got the map though. So they should be sending more after me."

"About time we saw some action. I was getting bored." Kid said smirking.

"Yeah, but it won't be a challenge." Zoro said with a frown. Kid looked at him with a frown.

"Yeah, I forget we are in the weakest sea."

"Don't worry, Kid. We will be in Paradise soon and you'll get a decent fight." I said scratching Chouchou behind the ears with a smile. I saw Koby looking at me through my peripheral vision.

"Paridise?" He questioned and I looked at him.

"It is the first half of the grandline." I said and he looked shocked.

"We are going to the pirate graveyard?!"

"Yep. My dream is to be Queen of the pirates. So we have to go to the grandline." Koby looked scared. "Hey, don't worry. We won't let anything happen to you." I put my hand on his shoulder a d he relaxed.

"The grandline is only a graveyard to those that are weak. Also people with devil fruits are common there. It is why normal pirates get killed. They don't know how to fight them." Law said and Koby looked at him. "Four of us have devil fruits."

"Really what fruits." He said with curiosity. I smiled at his childish behavor.

"Mines the Jiki Jiki no Mi. I can magnetize my body and other things." Kid said with a smirk. Kody looked in wonder and then turned to me.

"Mine is the Gomu gomu no Mi. I am a rubber person." I told him half the truth for now. He looked at Law and he raised an eyebrow.

"Mines the Ope ope no Mi. It is a little hard to explain what my powers are. Just watch when I fight." Koby nodded enthusiastically.

"Even Bonney has a devil fruit." Nami said sitting next to him. "She can make herself any age and can change the age of others." Koby looked shocked and looked down. He smiled and then looked up.

"And because you four have devil fruits it will make the grandline easier. Than say a pirate like Alvida." He said looking at me and I nodded.

"Once we get you into fighting shape we will teach you a way to deal with devil fruit power." I said and he looked exited. I giggled and ruffled his hair with my hand. He smiled and sighed. Law looked at me with a soft look in his eyes. I went back to petting Chouchou and leaned into Law's side. We then heard a roar and saw the werid guy with a lion coming towards us.

He stopped when he saw us. He then did the same thing as he did before. Exept this time I sent him flying before he could destroy the store. Chouchou was next to me barking at the man. As he and his lion flew right into the building Buggy was at. The mayor came out of hiding and looked at us with confusion. "Why are you pirates here?!" He demanded to know. "Are you part of Buggy's crew?"

"No, we came here to take out Buggy. We can't stand what he is doing here." I said and stepped forward. He staires at me and i gave him a friendly smile. "We just want to help." He looked at me in shock and looked at the rest of my crew. Nami and Koby smiled at him. Law, Zoro and Kid just gave him a nodded when he looked at them.

"A crew of pirates wanting to help. I have never heard of such a thing." He said and then began to cry. "Really, you really want to help us." He said in disbelief. I went and stood in front of him and took his hands in mine.

"We will free you and your people." I said. He locked eyes with me and searched them for any sign of deception. When he saw none he looked like a weight was lifted.

"Thank you." I smiled at him and sqeezed his hands in comfort. Chouchou rubbed up against his leg and he smiled at the dog. Chouchou then came to me and wagged his tail. I gigled and picked him up. The mayor smiled at us as I loved on the dog. "I haven't seen Chouchou like this since his owner died." The dog yipped happily as i scratched his head. The mayor chuckled and patted the dogs head. I put him down and he looked sad.

"We are going now to take on Buggy." I said and we all left the store. The mayor and Chouchou following us.

The battle wasn't anything special. Kid got to fight but was bored. Zoro took out the guy on a unicycle. I ended up launching Buggy away again and his crew left. The mayor and the towns people were very gratful. They kept thanking us over and over. We told them we were just happy to help. Nami gave half of the treasure she found to the village. For some reason Chouchou had gotten on our ship and wouldn't leave. The mayor just laughed and said that he found a new home. I smiled at this and decided to let the dog do what he wants. I went and grabbed dog food from the store and then we left.

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