chapter 7

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After the defeat of Krieg, his crew scattered. Luffia and crew were back on their ship. Luffia, who was freezing in her wet clothes. Went to get a warm shower and a change of clothes. While the crew loaded up the food Zeff so graciously gave them. Zoro's friends decided to stay with the restaurant for now. After Luffia was done with her shower, they all gathered in the kitchen. "Gin." Luffia said and he looked at her. "I know you have questions. So I will answer all i can for now." He looked at her with wide eyes. His old captain would never explain things prefering to use his crew as pawns.

"Mihawk said something about haki. What is that?" This sparked Kaya to speak up too.

"I am wondering about that as well." She said.

"Haki is your will manifested. Only those with a strong will can unlock haki. There is also three types of haki. Armament." Luffia said and held up a fist. Coating it in Armament haki, turning it grey with a hint of red. The two looked on with wide eyes. "This allows us to actually hurt devil fruit users."

"So that is the weapon you told me about." Gin said and she nodded at him.


"What are the other two." Kaya asked.

"The other two are observation and conquerors haki. Observation lets you see an attack before it happens. When mastered, though, it gives you future sight. Which lets you see even further into the future. Conquerors haki is very rare and only certain people can even unlock it. It is what Zoro used when he first attacked Mihawk. It is what split the sky." They looked at Zoro with shocked faces. Then they looked back at their captain.

"But the second wave we felt didn't fell like the first." Gin said, being very observate. Luffia scratched the back of her head

"Yeah, that second one was me. I am almost a master at conquerors haki. I mean i am no Shanks but getting closer." Gins eyes widened considerably.

"Wait. Red haired Shanks? One of the four emperors of the sea." He said in disbelief.

"Yep, he visited my home island as a kid. He is like my uncle." Luffia said happily. Gin just staired at her for a while. "Anyway. I will be training you in haki." She said to Gin. He smiled and was thankful to this nice captain. Krieg had never cared to make his crew stronger just bigger. Thinking numbers alone could defeat anyone. His new captain was different. Prefering strong individuals over numbers. He could see himself becoming a power house like Zoro with this crew. He also got to be with his new friend, Sanji.

Sanji said goodbye to the cooks and Zeff. While the rest of them waited for him. Sanji about cried, seeing Zeff nod at him in respect. Once he boarded the ship, they set sail. Luffia calling out their next destination, Cocoyashi village.

On their way, Luffia started training Gin. She started him with observation haki. Training him, how Rayleigh trained her. With a blindfold and a stick. Gin had thought she was crazy. Until after getting hit a lot by Luffia. He managed to see an attack before it happend. He was shocked when he did it. Never feeling haki before. When he tried again, he got hit really hard. He was slowly getting it, able to dogde a couple of strikes here and there.

Koby, who now had his memories. Was very frustrated to be in his kid body. He forgot how weak he was. So he got Zoro to train him. He was so sore by the end of it.

Law was helping Kaya learn how to stitch wounds. With how this crew was, it was needed. Ussop was tinkering with a weapon for Nami. It wouldn't be like the one she had, but it would do for now. Nami was making sure they were headed in the right direction from the balcony outside the kitchen. Kid was on steering duty. While Killer and Bonney sat in the kitchen. Chouchou was next to Bonney getting petted by the girl. While they waited on Sanji, who was making snacks for the crew.

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