Chapter 9

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The next morning was met with most of the crew passed out on the deck in various places. Nami and Kaya were the only ones to make it to a bed. Ussop was passed out against a cannon as a back rest with his head pointed down. He would probably have a neck ache. Kid had passed out halfway to the girls' room and on top of Bonney. He had been so drunk that she tried and failed to get him to a bed. So when he fell on top of her and had promptly passed out. She just decided to fall asleep, too. She was drunk and just wanted to sleep. Plus, he was heavy. Nojiko and Luffia were passed out by the main mast. Luffia was using a law hoodie as a pillow. Law, who was not far as always was asleep laying down using his arms as a pillow and his sword still in hand. Sanji had passed out on the kitchen table.

Zoro, Killer and Koby were the only ones awake as they looked at the rest of the crew. Killer just chuckled at how Kid ended up pinning Bonney to the deck with nothing but his body weight. Zoro looked on and raised an eyebrow at Law and walked over. Zoro had noticed how Law had ahold of his sword. He had never really gotten to know him. He also never really saw the man fight and was wondering if he was a true swordsman or just used a sword as an extension for his devil fruit. Zoro had been leaning toward the second option. Until this instance when Zoro noticed that Law was ready if someone attacked. Much like he was all the time, but this was some next level shit. Law had a huge dome from his devil fruit powers surrounding the whole damn ship. "When did he?" Zoro mumbled to himself as he looked up and around at it.

"Since the whole crew passed out last night." Law said. Zoro looked down, and Law hadn't moved or opened his eyes. Law then cracked his right eye open.

"How long can you use your powers?" Zoro asked with crinckled eyebrows.

"Uh, like this." He pointed up at the dome. "A week. This is a passive skill i learned since i have awakened my devil fruit. Anyone that comes into the dome gets teleported off the ship. Although this dome isn't mine alone. Luffia and Ustass are actually using their powers right now too. Luffia is making the dome bounce back attacks. While Ustass is making the whole thing repell any metal attack that may come." Zoro looked at Kid and then His captain before looking back at Law.

"Their awake?" Law nodded .

"To an extent. Kid is just comfortable and is having fun pinning Bonney to the deck." Law said. The next second they heard a grunt and a bang. Law and Zoro looked over and saw Kid now on his back holding his manhood. While Bonney ran to the bathroom.

"Damn you, Trafulgar." Kid weased out.

"What happened?" Luffia asked, finally sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Ustass got kneed in the nuts for pretending to sleep while im guessing Bonney had to pee. He was pinning her to the deck and she couldn't move him." Law said and Luffia giggled.

"Kid, you never get in the way of a woman and the bathroom when they first wake up. You think by now you would figure that out." Luffia said. Kid grumbled at her and got up. He headed to the kitchen to wake up Sanji. While Luffia stood up and stretched. Her eyes suddenly widened, and she also bolted to the bathroom. Fealing the call of nature.

The rest of the crew got up and went about getting the ship ready to sail. The islanders had given them food and some other supplies. They even got the orange trees on the ship, too. Nami and Nojiko stood at the docks with the rest of the crew standing or sitting on crates behind them. They were saying their goodbyes, and there were tears. They then left afterward and made their way to logtown.

Once they reached logtown, they all split up. Zoro and Killer went to the sword shop he got his swords from last time. Zoro really wanted the cursed sword that he had till the end. Killer went with him to make sure Zoro didn't get lost. Sanji, Bonney, and Kid went to get more food. Kid was made to go with them to help carry stuff. Luffia, law, Nojiko and Chouchou went to the bar where Roger went. While Nami, Ussop, Gin and Kaya stayed on the ship.

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