Classification potion

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Lined up outside the infirmary, all of the first years were waiting, nervously wringing their hands as they stepped forwards and began to be sorted into their classifications.

It was a process all children went through as they started at Hogwarts, you wait your turn, take the classification potion, allow your body to adapt to the changes and then your sorted into your house and sent off to the assigned dormitory's.

"Harry Potter!" Harry jumped at the sudden sound of his name being called and he looked up not realising everyone in front of him had been sorted. He stepped forwards and walked to the curtain where Madame Pomferey stood. Before her was a small metal table with a potion and a cup of water, to her side was a kind looking blonde woman who gave him a smile as he shuffled nervously over to the bed and sat down, crossing his legs.

"Harry, this is what's going to happen, you'll take this potion here and wait for your shift to happen, then when you've finished you will be taken through to the next room, using that door over there." She gestured to the door leading out the back end of the infirmary. "and then you'll be sorted into your house and will wait to be taken to your assigned dorm. As you know the dorms are sorted by classification, afterwards your heads of classification and other staff will take you to settle in. Are you ready to get started?"

Harry nodded shyly as he looked down at his hands in his lap, Madame Pomefery handed him the potion and he tipped his head back swallowing it with one big gulp, it was not a nice taste, she handed him the water which he was thankful for as it dulled the terrible aftertaste.

His whole body felt strange as though it was being squeezed, his breathe caught in his throat and he was laid back on the bed by the kind looking lady. This feeling was awful, he felt paralyzed and he tried to fight back the tears that stung his eyes, he felt his body shifting slightly but he couldn't place a finger on what was happening to him.

His mind flashed back to times that he was beaten by Vernon, his body trembling as he laid petrified on the lounge's floor. Unable to move. He snapped himself out of his thoughts and he looked around the room once more. Strange. Something felt different.

"Oh Harry. Looks like we found the final little one of their year!" Madame Pomefery cooed and turned to the other lady. "Autumn, would you take young Mr Potter here through to be sorted, after that I will meet you and the other littles to hand out the supplies. See you later Harry!"

No. This wasn't right, he wasn't supposed to be a little, anything but a little. He pouted and tried to think of how to respond to the Mediwitch but he was unable to find the right words to express himself. Autumn approached Harry and lifted him up off the bed and placed him on the floor. When he had entered the room earlier, he was able to sit with his feet firmly planted on the floor off the small hospital bed but now his feet would hardly dangle half way from the bed! There was really no denying it, he was a little.

Stepping into the next room he was walked over the the other corner with all the other little's, each with another member of staff. The only other boy he recognised from the train was Neville Longbottom. "Harry, your little too!" He waved from where he was sat in the corner of the room on a soft padded mat. Harry still couldn't find the words to reply so instead he waved timidly with his free and hand popped himself down next to his friend.

"First years, welcome, welcome. We shall run through the sorting as quickly as possible and have you all taken to your dormitory's as soon as possible, now without further a do, let us begin." Dumbledore spoke and a stern looking witch with her hair pinned tightly back out of her face stepped up and started to read out names "Hannah Abbott" One of the littles was helped up and walked to the front of the room to be sorted into her house. "Hufflepuff!" The hat shouted! Actually shouted!

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