Potter, Snape, Malfoy

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The next day Harry woke up and feeling like his big self, he had had a long day yesterday and alot of emotions were stirred up, but after lots of cuddles with Autumn, stories with the other littles, and time to rest he was feeling more like himself and was able to process what had happened in his big headspace.

Staring up at the enchanted ceiling, the shutters of the windows to his and Neville's room closed so the room remained dark, he thought back to yesterday, how he had seen his parents in the mirror. The feeling still really hurt him and he wished he could see them again but he knew that even if he saw them in the mirror he wouldn't truly get them back.

Sighing and sitting up in bed he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and started to get ready for the day. He got out of his diaper and put on his underwear, school trousers and top, tie, jumper and robes. He was glad in a few ways that he was a little one reason being because these clothes were far more comfy than the thin cotton shirts and scratchy knitted jumpers everyone else had to wear.

As he stepped back into the bedroom the shutters were open and he squinted at the light that was let in through the window.

"Morning Harry, are you feeling better this morning?" Daisy said as she sat on the end of Neville's bed as he was grabbing some of his clothes from his drawers, he was also (thankfully) not in little space. Little Neville in the mornings when he was woken up was a menace and Harry would rather not start the day off with a headache.

"Im alright. A bit confused but its okay." Harry replied.

"Morning Harry!" Neville greeted his friend.

"Hi Nev!"

"Oh Harry, Autumn came by but i told her i would send you down to the main room if she grabbed you and Neville breakfast. Are you okay to walk down there yourself? We don't want you to run off again like yesterday now, do we?" She said with a lighthearted glare.

"Don't worry, I'll go and find Autumn, see you in a bit guys!" Harry called, recieving a bye from Neville as he walked out the room, closing their door behind him.

On his walk down the corridor he passed by Hannah and Luna who were chatting in the doorway to the main room.

"Morning Hannah, hey Luna!" He greeted them.

"Hiya Harry, how are you feeling?" Hannah asked and Luna gave him a shy wave, from the fact she was still in her pyjamas and sat on the floor playing with Hannah's fuzzy slippers he could tell that Luna was in her little space this morning.

"I'm feeling okay thanks, you?" He asked.

"Im great yeah, today I get to go to class, do you think you could come too? We would both have Charms first thing but i'm going to come back here after that, i can only tolerate one big class a day." She said, eyes darting between him and little Luna on the floor.

"I'll ask Autumn, im feeling lots better today so I might join the same schedule as you today, what is the little class here in the afternoon?"

"I think we'll practice writing with a quill if we spend time in little space or we revise potions, though we can't make them ourselves, but we watch a demonstration from the professor." Hannah answered as Harry had only been to a few little classes and wasn't quite sure how they worked yet.

"That would be good yeah, I've got to go see Autumn now but wait for me before you go to class, then we can walk there together!" Harry smiled, getting excited for the day.

"Fine with me, see you in a bit Haz."

"Ooh i like that nickname, Han. Hmm... doesn't really have the same ring to it but Haz and Han are similar so thats your nickname now too!" He said, receiving an affirmative yeah in response and going to find Autumn.


"Right, lets go and find Jenny and Hannah so we can walk down to Charm's class, okay? Neville, Daisy, we will see you later." Autumn said as they finished breakfast and Harry jumped over the bench he was sat on and ran towards the door to see Hannah.

Autumn rolled her eyes and tutted playfully at his excitement for the day and walked with Jenny and their little's to their class, Harry and Hannah happily chatting away.


"Harry, Hannah! So nice of you to join us today!" Professor Flitwick squeaked out over the class as they entered the room. "If you two take a seat at the end of the table their next to Mr. Malfoy we are learning of the spell "lumos" today, I hope you have been practicing!"

"Yes sir." Harry and Hannah responded in sync and made their way to sit next to the blonde haired Slytherin.

"Im Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." The boy said as he held out his hand for Harry to shake who accepted the gesture happily and greeting him followed by Hannah.

Throughout the lesson Draco, Harry, Hannah and another Slytherin first year named Blaise Zabini all worked through their assigned tasks, laughing when another ravenclaw student was asked to perform the 'wingardium leviosa" charm and accidentally spelled Professor flitwick to fly over the front of his desk, hitting the floor with a thump.

Throughout the lesson Draco seemed to grow fond of the little slytherin with raven black hair, he caught himself picking up on small details, about how Harry stuck his tongue between his lips when concentrating and was practically bouncing in his seat when he was full of energy, compared to the end of the lesson where he grew tired and laid his head on the desk almost falling asleep, Autumn having noticed too and ruffling his hair telling him to pay attention.

Draco had always heard of the fabulous 'boy who lived' and assumed all was absolutely perfect in his life, imagining his fame bringing him countless admirers and attending to his every need but the little boy beside him today seemed completely oblivious to practically everything around him, just content with swinging his legs on his seat and practicing his writing with his quill.

At the end of the lesson Draco turned to Harry as he was getting ready to leave with Autumn "Hey, ummm, Harry." The little slytherin spun round to face Draco. "I was going to go and see Uncle Sev later, maybe you could join us?" He asked.

Harry hopefully looked up at Autumn who smiled at the two and nodded her head in agreement. "I'm sure we can arrange for that, tell Severus we will meet in his quarters at 7o'clock this evening."
Then, Harry quickly (to everyones suprise) ran up to the taller blonde slytherin and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"See you later Dray!"

"Later, Harry." He replied giving him a little shove in Autumns direction.


For the rest of the day Harry managed to eat a small amount of his lunch but didn't take a nap as he was practically ecstatic with energy, Autumn having caught him from falling off the furniture and chasing him round the room so that he didn't hurt himself.

A small amount of calming-draught-laced chocolate milk later Harry and Autumn went to the little classrooms with his friends and went over their potions work together, watching as the Professor (who he now knew was Professor Katz) brewed the simplified version of a healing draught until they were finished with lesson time and went to relax in the main room.

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